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Four friends live in a small town.Their names are John ,Mill

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 11:18:51
Four friends live in a small town.Their names are John ,Miller,Smith and Carte.they all have different jobs.One is a policeman,one is a cook,one is a farmer,one is a doctor.
It's Monday afternoon,John'sson breaks his leg and John takes him to the doctor.The doctor's sister is Smith's wife.The farmer isn't married.He has a lot of hens.
Miller always buys eggs from the farmer.The policeman sees Smith every day for they are neighbours.
Now who is the policeman?Who is the cook?Who is the farmer?Who is the doctor?
首先从婚姻上说,既然 john 有儿子,说明他结婚了,他不是农夫,医生的姐姐是Smith的妻子,说明Smith 不是农夫,因为农夫没结婚.所以只剩下Miller 和 Carte ,再者既然农夫有母鸡,那他就不用买鸡蛋,而是卖鸡蛋,而Miller经常买鸡蛋,说明他不养鸡,所以推出Carte 是农夫.
其次,既然只有一位医生,那Smith就不是医生,那他只能是警察或者厨师,但这句话the policeman sees Smith every day ,for they are neighbours.推出 smith不是警察,所以 Smith 是 厨师.
最后,就只剩下Miller 所以他就是医生.
宗上所述,john 是警察,Miller是医生,Smith是厨师,Crate是农夫.