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apology在做动词时的短语 和在作名词时的短语 leave for后接什么 lay过去式过去分词

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/08 06:46:16
apology在做动词时的短语 和在作名词时的短语 leave for后接什么 lay过去式过去分词
表示“道歉”,通常是不及物动词,要表示向某人道歉,用介词to,要表示因为某原因而道歉或替某人道歉,用介词 for.构成 apologize to sb (for sth )(为某事)向某人道歉.如:
It is your fault.You must apologise.这是你的过错,你必须道歉.
  I really don't know who is to apologise.我的确不知道谁应该道歉.
Apologize to your sister.去给你姐姐赔个不是.
I must apologize for not being able to meet you.
由于 apologize 是不及物动词,所以在其后接 that从句是错误的.如:
误:I apologized that I stepped on her foot.
正:I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.
表示“道歉”,通常是可数名词;和make构成make an apology短语,意思和用法与apologise相同.要表示向某人道歉,用介词 to,要表示因为某原因而道歉或替某人道歉,用介词 for.
make an apology to sb (for sth )= apologize to sb (for sth )
如:I make no apology (to him) for what I said.我没有因说了些什么而(向他)道歉.
leave for后接目的地
lie --lay--lain