作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 20:20:19
1.compare the following ;qin bureaucracy ,athenian democracy ,and roman republic ,which do you think is the most effective?
2.choose three of the following stake structures for comparison; egypt'ancient sumers,greece and early china,(xia.shang.zhou)
3.from the passage we read on herodotus,do you think he is a realise source?give examples and reasons.do you think he is the father of history or the father of lies
1. 比较下列:秦官僚体制,雅典民主制,罗马共和体制,你认为那个最有效?
2. 选择下列三者的经济结构进行比较:古埃及苏美尔,希腊,华夏(夏、商、周)
3. 从文章中我们读到的(希腊的历史学家)希罗多德,你认为他是一个觉醒的人的根源吗?给出例子和原因,你认为他是历史之父还是谎言之父?