作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 15:08:02
1.(D )Have you had ______lunch?---Yes,I had _____ good dinner at my friend's house,too.
A a/a B your/a C the/the D /,/
2.(B )Where are _________?
A.the officer's room B.the room of the officers Cthe officer's rooms Dthe office
3.(A)Hans,with his classmates,________basketball every day.
A.play B.plays C.is playing D.are playing
4.---May I put the bicycle here?-----No,you_________(我填的是needn't)
5.(A)-----I am afraid I don't know.
A.sorry.B.Thanks a lot.C.Thank you any way.D.You are welcome.
6.(B) ______eraser on the desk is Jim's.
A.A B.An C.The B.不填
7.(A)______turn is it now?
A.Who's B.Whose C.Who D.whom
8.(D)both my sister and my brother are ____
A.a police B.policemen C.policewomen D.polices
9.(A)----What are your two foreign teacher's nationlities?
A.They are Englishes B.They are Englisg C.They are England D.Thery are Endlands.
10.(D) Mr.White,with his friends,_______on a trip.
A.have B.has C.is D.are
11 (B) .----Show me the letter,please.
----Which one?The one ____ pencil?
A.in B.with C.by D.on
12.(D) There _____a parents' meeting tomorrow afternoon.
A.are B will have C.is going to be D.is going to have
13.(B) The teacher,with the students,____workonthe farm this Sunday.
A.is going to B.are going to Cis D are
14.(B)It's very nice_____you to help me.
A.of B.for C.to D.with
15.(B)---Have you had ____breakfast yet?
---No,not yet.
A.不填 B.a C.the D an
16.(B) What a cold day!Sam,you'd better _____ more clothes.
A.put on B.to put on C.take off D.to take off
17.(B) Dad,must I finish my homework today?
No,you needn't.You_____do it tomorrow.
A.need B.must C.can D will
18.(B)This is your watch.______please.
A.Put away B.put on it C.Put it in D.Put it on
19.(D)Must they clean the classroom now?
A.can't B.needn't C.don't D.mustn't
20.(B)The food tastes_____but sells_____.
A.well/poorly B.good/ poor C.good/poorly D.well/poor
第一题,B. lunch是不可数名字,不能用冠词,选项中只能用your
第二题,C. 因为问句的be动词是are.你选的答案:room没有s,不是复数
第三题,B. 这句话应该用一般现在时,关键词是Hands.用第三人称单数形式.
第四题,you don't. 疑问句中没有be动词,提出一个Do,后面说:你不能,则填you don't.
第五题,D. 题目意味:恐怕我不知道.You're welcome.也包含一种原谅.
第六题,B. 这是特指,是Jim的
第七题,C. 题目意味:轮到谁了?应该是who.
第八题,C. police后面不允许加s,它是警察的总称.
第九题,B. English后面不加s,England只是意味英国.
第十题,C. 特指Mr.White.
第十一题,C. 是那只铅笔吗?
第十二题,B. 一般将来时,They will be...
第十三题,A. 都是特指.
第十四题,A. 在你帮助我的时候,你很好.
第十六题,B. 不加to
第十七题,C. 意为:爸,我必须今天做完作业吗?不,你可以明天做完.
第十八题,A. 意味:这是你的手表,请收好.在遗失物品的时候用到的.
第十九题,B. 第十七题与这个一样.
二十题,B. 不能加well,poor不加ly.