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on与about当是“关于”意思时的用法 是

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 19:07:42
on与about当是“关于”意思时的用法 是

on prep.about;concerning关于;论及
on Sundays在星期日;on the 1st of May在五月一日;on the evening of May the first在五月一日晚上;on New Year's Day /Eve在元旦/除夕;on that day在那一天;on time准时;later on后来,过后; go on继续;come on来呀,赶快;on and on不停地
What's on at the cinema?电影院里放什么?
Let's go on!让我们继续(进行)下去!
We walked on and on.我们不停地行走.
“Come on!”shouted everyone.“加油!”每个人都大叫道.
a book on /about the radio一本关于无线电的书
a report on the international situation关于国际形势的报告
We're going to listen to a lecture on African history this afternoon.今天下午我们将听(一个关于)非洲历史的演讲.
He'll give us a talk on the history of the Party.他将给我们做关于党史的报告.
The teacher will tell us a story about Edison.老师将给我们讲一个爱迪生的故事.
Did you read about it in the newspaper yesterday?关于此事你在昨天的报上看过了吗?