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英语句子翻译On a visit to Beijing, the Japanese prime minister sou

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 08:02:02
On a visit to Beijing, the Japanese prime minister sought to allay Chinese fears about a strengthened pact with the United States.
In the latest of a number of signs of social unrest in China, about 500 retired civil servants demonstrated in Dujiangyan, in Sichuan province. They demanded higher pensions.
For the first time, President Fidel Ramos of Philippines did not rule out running for a second term next year, if the constitution were amended to allow this. The Roman Catholic church ,which is strong in the Philippines, said it was opposed to a constitutional change.
Italy's foreign minister suggested delaying Europe's single currency if too many countries fail to meet the criteria, but the European commission dismissed the idea. Germany appeared likelier to meet the targets after officials said that adopting EU accounting standards would take a sliver off the government deficit.
Taxes and social-security contributions consumed a record 42.4% of the European Union's GDP last years, said the EU 's statistical agency, Eurostat. Three Nordic countries imposed the heaviest burdens on their economies, with Sweden taking 55.2%.Ireland, Spain and Britain taxed less than 36%.
Arkady Gukasyan president of Nagorno-Karabakh, the disputed territory held by Armenia against the wishes of Azerbaijan, rejects international proposals for returning the area to Azerbaijan’s sovereignty while giving its ethnic Armenian population autonomy.
Bombs again exploded in Ben-Yehuda, the main pedestrian shopping street in central Jerusalem. Early reports said that six people were killed, including the suicide-bombers, and more than 100 were wounded.
An Egyptian court sentenced an Israeli to 15 years in prison after convicting him of spying for Israel.
Abassi Madani , leader of Algeria’s banned Islamic party who was recently freed from six years’ imprisonment, was put under house arrest for calling, in a letter to the UN, for an end to bloodshed and the opening of dialogue.
Plans for a UN rapid-deployment force took a step forward when Kofi Annan, the secretary-general, officially inaugurated the brigade staff. Seven countries have so far committed troops to the force, which is expected to be operational by 1999.
Despite promises that he would tackle corruption in Kenya, President failed to persuade the IMF to resume lending. But the Kenyan shilling,which fell by nearly 20% when the IMF suspended a S220m loan last month, steadied. T
he Comoros government said it had invaded the island of Anjouan, which last month set up its own administration. It was seeking independence - or a return to French rule.怎么就没有一个愿意帮忙的人呢!拜托大家了!谢谢大家了!真的很急!
段落之间是没有任何联系的~~~不好意思由于手误 倒数第二段的T应该是最后一段单词的开头~嘿嘿~~
再问: 嗯`呵呵~~谢谢了!!!
再答: 日本首相(此次)访问北京,旨在缓和中国对于美日两国间稳固的协议的恐惧。 最近中国出现的很多社会不安的现象中,其中有大约500名退休的公务员在四川省都江堰市进行了示威。他们要求提高养老金水平。 菲律宾总统Fidel Ramos第一次表示在宪法不反对的前提下,将不排除竞选总统连任。(但是)在菲律宾很有威望的罗马天主教会表示这个举动与宪法改革背道而驰。 意大利外交部长建议如果有太多的国家不能够达到要求的话,将暂缓欧洲的单一货币(政策),但是欧洲委员会拒绝了这个提议。德国方面,在政府官员宣布采用欧盟会计准则会稍微缓解政府的财政赤字并很有可能达到预期目标。 这是前四段~