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sat with one of the most successful African American busines

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/07 15:44:05
with one of the most successful African American businesses in history ,the MOTOWN Record Corporation was founded in ...
答案将with one 改为One,但是我选的是as one 请问区别在哪里?
Adult ladybugs often prey on agricultrural garden pest,causing many fruit growers to consider them among the most beneficial insects.
我想问下那个causing,按理说应该是对应Adult ladybugs 但是不能说这个东西让他们consider 而是这个事件吧,causing 可以这样指代吗?.
1.改为 one 是正确的.
* 通过一下的句子分析即可明了:
主语:One of the most successful African American businesses in history ,历史上最成功的美国黑人商业之一
同位语:the MOTOWN Record Corporation 即汽车城(指底特律)录制公司
谓语部分:was founded in 1960 于...被创立
* 如果改为 as one,句子的结构就成了如下:
状语:As one of the most successful African American businesses in history 作为历史上最成功的美国黑人商业之一
主语:the MOTOWN Record Corporation
谓语部分:was founded in ...
* 下面的资料可能对理解本题有所帮助:
Another popular nickname for Detroit is Motown.Berry Gordy,Junior started the Motown Record Corporation in Detroit in nineteen fifty-nine.African-American singers recording for the company were extremely popular in the nineteen sixties and nineteen seventies.Their records were so successful that Detroit was also called Hitsville.
资料意思是:底特律的另一个昵称叫做汽车城.Berry Gordy Junior 在底特律创办了 Motown Record Corporation,六十年代美国黑人歌手为公司录音是非常受欢迎的.他们的录音是那样的成功以至于底特律还被叫做 Hitsville(打击乐豪宅).
2.Adult ladybugs often prey on agricultural garden pest,causing many fruit growers to consider them among the most beneficial insects.
1.本题中的现在分词短语 causing...是伴随状语,逻辑主语是 Adult ladybugs.这个句子也可以改为并列句:
Adult ladybugs often prey on agricultural garden pest and they cause many fruit growers to consider them among the most beneficial insects.瓢虫成虫捕食田园害虫,他们促使许多水果种植者在最有益的昆虫中间去考虑它们这些瓢虫.
2.伴随状语中的 causing many fruit growers to consider ...就是 cause sb.to do sth.这个句型,many fruit growers 是动词 cause 的宾语,不定式 to consider 是宾语补足语,其逻辑主语就是宾语,因此这里的 consider 是由 growers 支配的.