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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:59:28
Chinese table manners of families have no intrinsic quality even there are different region and position.No matter three meals a day or guest’s arrival,always bowls with chopsticks,food with soup.There is no rule for how to put the tableware.What people care about more are not the gorgeous tableware but the sumptuous food.People’s dining position reflects the most obvious etiquette of Chinese table manners.In ancient society,men are supreme,and women are not allowed to sit with men on the same table.Although this is modern society,this kind of ancient etiquette still remains.Today in China,the phenomenon that men sit on the table before women can be found everywhere.The master of a family usually sits on the first-class seat.The first-class seat is usually near the interior of a room facing to the door.Once there is a guest,the master will offer the first-class seat to the guest politely.If it is an ordinary meal of family,families should start after the elder.If there is a guest,the master offer the food to the guest is essential from the beginning to the end.And the tradition of urging others to drink is also a special phenomenon.
中国就餐举止 家庭中国就餐举止没有内在质量甚而那里是另外区域并且安置.问题三饭食每天或客人的到来,总不滚保龄球与筷子,食物用汤.没有规则为了怎样能投入碗筷.什么人关心关于更多是没有华美的碗筷,而是奢侈食物.人的用餐的位置反射中国就餐举止最明显的礼节.在古老社会,人是至尊,并且妇女不允许坐与人在同一张桌.虽然这是现代社会,这种古老礼节仍然依然存在.今天在中国,人坐桌的现象,在妇女可以找到到处之前.家庭的大师通常坐头等位子.头等位子通常在面对对门的屋子的内部附近.一旦有客人,大师为客人将礼貌地提供头等位子.如果它是家庭一顿普通的膳食,家庭应该在长辈以后开始.如果有客人,主要提议食物对客人对末端从开始是根本的.并且敦促其他的传统喝也是一种特别现象.