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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/14 07:39:41
1 But i don't think the figures show any real improvement yet.
2 Let's hope the scientists can develop new sources of energy.
这句话有3个动词,let,hope,develop 谁是谓语了,为什么会有3个动词了?
3 My husband's never touched a nappy in his life.
husband's是否等于husband is.那就多个谓语.
1 yet 就是‘(到目前)还没’ ,一般用于否定句中.
show 是做动词 .
2 LET's hope ( that ) the scientists can develop new sources of energy .
that 后面的是宾语从句 .hope 是整个句子谓语 ,develop 是宾从的谓语 .
祈使句首可以用动词原形,这是习惯,比如,Let's go!Put it up!let put都是动词原形,它不是谓语,是一种语法结构.
3 husband's = husband has .现在完成时态,表示从过去到现在.
has touched 谓语的现在完成时态.
再问: 1难道这也少个(that) 。think也是动词。他做什么成份了? 2 要怎么去看这隐藏的that了?
再答: 1 对,好多宾从都省that ,think 是全句的谓语 2 宾从一般都省that , 注意看全句谓语后是不是个完整的句子 。 像the figures show any real improvement 、the scientists can develop new sources of energy都是完整句子,都能清楚表达完整有效的意思 ,一般都是宾从了。。 that在宾语从句中一般都可以省,因为它在宾语从句中不代任何成分,只起连接的作用。 但当宾语从句不止一个时,第一个that 可省,第二个及其他以后的就不能省了。 例如:I believe (that)he will come this afternoon and that we will have a good time together. 这句话有两个宾语,第一个中的that 可省,第二个that不能省。