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英语翻译“脱口秀”是从英语词组Talk Show(口才展示)中音意同译的精彩典范,“脱口秀”是形容人的口才很好,说出的话

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 21:59:23
“脱口秀”是从英语词组Talk Show(口才展示)中音意同译的精彩典范,“脱口秀”是形容人的口才很好,说出的话非常有吸引力,而且谈吐不俗,博得众人的喝彩.在西方“脱口秀”是一个视频节目的栏目,也是一种主持风格.我国的相声艺术就被西方国家认为是“脱口秀”.
"Talk" is a phrase from English Talk Show (eloquent display) with the translation of the great Italian tenor model,"talk" is used to describe people is eloquent,and the words that are very attractive,and Tantubusu,winning all acclaim.In the West,"talk" is part of a video program,is also a chair style.The comic art of our Western countries to be considered a "talk show."