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you can it take me小马王歌词翻译

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 22:08:36
you can it take me小马王歌词翻译
you can't take me 你带不走我
Got to fight another fight - I gotta run another night 我必须再打一仗 我必须再跑一夜
Get it out - check it out 我会逃出去 你们等着瞧
I'm on my way and I don't feel right我现在只得跟着走 但是我觉得很不对
I gotta get me back - I can't be beat and that's a fact 我得救我自己回去 事实上我是绝对不会败的
It's OK - I'll find a way 没事儿的 我一定可以逃走
You ain't gonna take me down no way 你绝对无法赢得了我
Don't judge a thing until you know what's inside it 在没看清楚事情以前 不要骤下结论
Dont' push me - I'll fight it 别太过分 我会反抗
Never gonna give in - never gonna give it up no我绝不会让你一分 也绝不会放弃
If you can't catch a wave then your'e never gonna ride 如果你赶不上浪头 就永远无法乘风破浪
You can't come uninvited 你不可以不请自来
Never gonna give in - never gonna give up no 我绝不会让你一分 也绝不会放弃
You can't take me I'm free 你带不走我 因为我是自由之身
Why did it all go wrong?- I wanna know what's going on 为什么突然一切都不对劲儿了
And what's this holding me?我要知道为什么
I'm not where I supposed to be 我在一个我不该在的地方
I gotta fight another fight 我必须再打一仗
I gotta fight will all my might 我必须尽全力一拼
I'm getting out ,so check it out 我会逃出去 你们等着瞧
you're in my way 你们挡住了我的去路
Ya,So you better watch out 你最好小心一点儿
Don't judge a thing until you know what's inside it 在没看清楚事情以前 不要骤下结论
Dont' push me - I'll fight it 别太过分 我会反抗
Never gonna give in - never gonna give it up no我绝不会让你一分 也绝不会放弃
If you can't catch a wave then your'e never gonna ride 如果你赶不上浪头 就永远无法乘风破浪
You can't come uninvited 你不可以不请自来
Never gonna give in - never gonna give up no 我绝不会让你一分 也绝不会放弃
You can't take me I'm free 你带不走我 因为我是自由之身