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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 02:16:34
Oberon and Titania accuse each other of being disloyal is because they are jealousy and untrust of each other,this caused their quarrel.Although both of them want to be ascendant in the quarrel,the way how they deal the issue is very different.First of all,Oberon,the king the fairies,he is a selfish person and do not care about other people's thoughts.He thought Titania takes an interest on Theseus,in order to revenge Titania,he brought a lot disasters to the fairies land,such as unseasonable weather,the imaginative paths in the grass grow over from lack of use and people suffer from arthritis.He do things with his feeling.His jealousy and selfishness let those innocent people to bear the consequences.Further more,in order to get the Indian prince from Titania,he harmed Titania.He wanted to make her fall in love with a wild animal.He acts without thinking and logic makes him immature.Therefore,Oberon's accusations towards Titania are unforgivable and more damning.On the other hand,Titania,the queen of the fairies land.Though she thought Oberon takes an interst on Hippolyta,she never do something excessive to revenge Oberon.Also,Titania showed sympathy to the Indian prince,for example she crowns the boy with flowers and delights in him.Her actions show that she is a kind and generous person.When Titania knew that Oberon wanted to kept the Indian prince,she refused his request and ignored his actions.This further shows Titania's maturity and rationality.In conclusion,since Titania is kind and generous and Oberon is selfish,Titania's accusations are more believable and forgivable.
Helena assumes that Lysander,Demetrius and Hermia conspired to mock her because she is unconfident to herself.Before the play begins,Demetrius abandons Helena by courting Hermia.She thought she is ugly when compares to Hermia.She considers the physical appearance as the reasonwhy she lost Demetrius to Hermia.She can not leave her feeling toward Demetrius behind,and she can not wipe Demetrius' vows off from the memory.Helena also believes that on someday,Demetrius will be tired and weary of Hermia,and his love will back to her.so she risks a second courtship with Demetrius.As the play goes on,Demetrius is unconcerned and even lose temper to Helena.Helena is still compliance to Demetrius.She gives up her dignity,follows Demetrius like a spaniel.Helena's actions are not completely coming from her love to Demetrius,but mostly because of her desire to win Hermia.As the play goes further,Lysander declares love to Helena,Helena rejects Lysander decisively.Due to the unconfident of Helena,Helena thinks that it is impossible for Lysander to give up the beautiful Hermia and courts the ugly Helena.In conclusion,Helena is a pathetic and unconfident girl who wants to gain back Demetrius' love.Everything that happened to her made her assumed that Lysander,Demetrius and Hermia conspired to mock her.
我知道很长- ,能改多少就改多少,
The fact that Oberon and Titania accuse each other of being disloyal is because they are jealous and untrusting of each other,which caused their quarrel.Although both of them want to be dominant in the quarrel,the way how they deal the issue is very different.First of all,Oberon,the king the fairies,is a selfish person and does not care about other people's thoughts.He thinks that Titania has an interest on Theseus.In order to revenge on Titania,he brings a lot of disasters to the fairies land,such as unseasonable weather,the growth of imaginative paths in the grass from lack of use and suffering of arthritis for the people.He does things with his feelings.His jealousy and selfishness lead those innocent people to the consequences.Further more,in order to get the Indian prince from Titania,he harms Titania.He wants to make her fall in love with a wild animal.His action without thinking and logic makes him immature.Therefore,Oberon's accusation of Titania is unforgivable and more damning.On the other hand,Titania,the queen of the fairies land.Though she thinks that Oberon has an interst on Hippolyta,she never does anything excessive to revenge on Oberon.Besides,Titania shows sympathy to the Indian prince,for example,she crows the boy with flowers and delights.Her action shows that she is a kind and generous person.When Titania known that Oberon wants to keep the Indian prince,she refuses his request and ignores his actions.This further shows Titania's maturity and rationality.In conclusion,since Titania is kind and generous and Oberon is selfish,Titania's accusations are more believable and forgivable.
Helena assumed that Lysander,Demetrius and Hermia conspired to mock her because she was unconfident to herself.Before the play begins,Demetrius abandoned Helena by courting Hermia.She thought she was ugly compared to Hermia.She considered the physical appearance as the reason why she lost Demetrius to Hermia.She could not leave her feeling toward Demetrius behind,and she could not wipe Demetrius' vows off from her memory.Helena also believed that someday,Demetrius would be tired and weary of Hermia,and his love would be back to her.so she risked a second courtship with Demetrius.As the play wen on,Demetrius was unconcerned and even lost temper to Helena.Helena was still in compliance to Demetrius.She gave up her dignity,followed Demetrius like a spaniel.Helena's actions did not completely come from her love to Demetrius,but mostly because of her desire to win Hermia.As the play goes further,Lysander declared love to Helena,Helena rejected Lysander decisively.Due to the unconfidence of Helena,Helena thought that it was impossible for Lysander to give up the beautiful Hermia and court the ugly Helena.In conclusion,Helena is a pathetic and unconfident girl who wants to gain back Demetrius' love.Everything happened to her made her assume that Lysander,Demetrius and Hermia conspired to mock her.