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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/02 19:21:52
例:He has had this book for three years.
He has had this book since three years ago.
要很多句 总共六句 大致意思一样就OK,since后面可以加句子什么的……反正就六句,明天默不出来要抄的啊,六句一起抄,每句十遍……
可能大家理解错了 不是这个意思 是说让你们写同义句!“他买这本书三年了”这句话的同义句!不是叫你们出题目……
只要是since和for 改写就可以了吗?
I have been reading newspapers for ten years.
I have been reading newspapers since ten years ago.
I have been using this cell phone for six months.
I have been using this cell phone since six months ago.
He has liked her for two months.
He has liked her since two months ago.
She has taken art lessons for five months.
She has taken art lessons since five months ago.
He has left for ten minutes.
He has left since ten minutes ago.
I have not seen him for three days.
I have not seen him since three days ago.
再问: 可能大家理解错了 不是这个意思 是说让你们写同义句!“他买这本书三年了”这句话的同义句!不是叫你们出题目……
再答: 那你要怎么样的改写? 他买这本书三年了。 例:He has had this book for three years. He has had this book since three years ago. He bought this book three years ago. He bought this book for three years. It was three years ago when he bought this book. It has been three years since he bought this book. 这样行吗?
再问: 我们老师说bought是短暂性动词 不能和for since连用
再答: 一个解决办法是可以把bought都改成 purchased 但是如果你们还没学过这个词儿,可以用单纯的改时态来达到要求 一个是被动式 This book has been had by him for three years This book has been had by him since three years ago 一个是简单过去式 He had this book for three years He had this book since three years ago