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英语翻译一个胆小但爱装大胆 一个强壮但超级爱吃 一个就喜欢泥巴 一个有很多道理的佛陀,会“欧姆~”,还有一只爱美很勇敢的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:43:47
一个胆小但爱装大胆 一个强壮但超级爱吃 一个就喜欢泥巴 一个有很多道理的佛陀,会“欧姆~”,还有一只爱美很勇敢的小母狗,呵呵~在这部全新的影片里,迪斯尼那群可爱的会说话的小狗又回来了.这一次,他们要去一个谁也没去过的地方——月亮!
在几个卫星新伙伴的帮助下,狗狗们开始了这次冲出新天地的冒险,这只是狗狗的一小步,却是整个狗类的一大步!在航行中,他们不仅要高速飞行,还得经历规避小行星等等历险.狗狗们和两个新伙伴Spudnick 和 Gravity必须鼓足勇气,开动脑筋,才能成功登月再乘火箭返航.他们能行吗?充满了太空行动和热情的Space Buddies 是对团队协作和忠诚的一曲赞歌.它们的勇敢、聪明、机智、敏捷、躲过了很多困难,最后成了太空英雄.,剧情还是能另人又哭又笑.沉醉其中!这次阴差阳错的太空之旅更是险象环生令人难忘!特别是那只牛头梗,连我都幻想希望能和狗在太空过一生……最后那只牛头梗回到它小主人的怀抱那一幅画面更是让人感动,让我都有一种久别重逢的激动这五个小金毛真可爱 充满了冒险精神特别是当狗狗们踏上月球的那一刻,模仿Amstrong的那句经典:“这是我的一小步,却是狗类的一大步.”非常搞笑,人物和剧情相当卡通,好人坏人一目了然,最后的那位博士也是被自己的USB闪存和助手所卖,当然经历过无数磨难之后,狗狗们最终回归地球,成为了第一批登上月球并返回的太空狗
A timid but bold mounted a strong love but love to eat a super-like mud on a lot of justification for the Buddha,will "have a beauty ",ohm very brave little bitch,huh,huh-in The new film,the Disney group of cute talking dog is back.This time,they go to a place where no one ever been to - the moon!
New partners in several satellites with the help of dogs started out in the new world of adventure,this is only a small dog,but it is a whole category of a big dog!In navigation,they should not only high-speed flight,but also to avoid asteroids and so on The Adventures of experience.Dogs and the two new partners and Gravity must Spudnick courage,use our brains in order to successfully land on the moon by rocket back again.They can do it?Space is full of action and passion of Space Buddies teamwork and loyalty of a hymn.Their courageous,smart,witty,agile,escaped a lot of difficulties,and finally became a space hero.,Plot or to another person.Indulge them!The space is risky trip unforgettable!That Bull Terrier in particular,even the fantasy I want to have a dog in space,only a lifetime ......the last Bull Terrier back to its master's embrace of a small piece of screen that is moving,let me have a reunion excitement five small Cibotium true spirit of adventure is full of lovely especially when the dogs have set foot on the moon at the moment,to imitate the sentence Amstrong classic:"This is my one small step,but it is kind of a dog big step."very funny,cartoon characters and the plot rather,good people and bad at a glance,the last of Dr who is also his assistant USB flash memory and sell,of course,gone through countless tribulations,the dogs were eventually return to Earth,became a the first batch of the moon and return to space dog