作业帮 > 综合 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:52:25
1. 形式:
情态动词 + 动词原形do;
情态动词 + 动词完成进行时have been doing;
情态动词 + 动词完成时have done
2. 特点:
1) 不管哪一种形式,情态动词的词义都在句中起作用.
2) 情态动词的过去时、现在时没有太大的时间性区别,只是情态动词的过去时用得相对较多,语气比现在时更客气、委婉、缓和.
例:I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight.(我想请问您今晚是否愿意与我共进晚餐.这样的表达方法要比"I want to know if you will have dinner with me tonight."这样的句子礼貌、委婉得多,更容易让对方接受.)
3) 都表示在一定时间(现在或过去)对发生和出现的事情进行推测、猜测、判断等.
a) 对现在的事情进行把握较大的判断时
例:He can't be in his own dorm. He must be in Xiao Wang's dorm. Listen! That's he's singing.(他现在肯定不在他自己的宿舍,他肯定在小王的宿舍呢.听,那是他(在小王的宿舍里)唱歌.)
b) 对过去的事情进行把握较大的判断时
肯定判断一般用must加动词的完成时形式(must have done),同样,must不再表示"必须",而是表示"肯定".
Mary's score on the test is the highest in her class; she ____ have studied very hard.
A) may B) should C) must D) ought to
全句的意思是“玛丽考试成绩全班第一,她学习 很刻苦”.空格后的动词用的是完成式,表示已经发生的动作.结合选项可知,空格中要填入一个情态动词,表示说话人对玛丽考试能取得好成绩的原因的推测.因此答案是C) must(肯定、一定).
否定判断时一般用can't加动词的完成时形式(can't have done),同样,can不再表示“能够”,而是表示“肯定不……、肯定没有……”.
You _____ her in here office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.
A) needn't have seen B) must have seen
C) might have seen D) can't have seen
我们可以推断出全句的意思是:“上星期五你不可能在她办公室见到她,她去外地已经两个星期了”.根据全句意思判断,本题答案是D) can't have seen.情态动词can用于这一意思时,只能用于否定句或疑问句.
The room is in terrible mess; it _________ cleaned.
A) can't have been B) shouldn't have been
C) mustn't have been D) wouldn't have been
句子前半部分“房间乱极了”是前提,后半部分应该是对这种情况做出一种猜测性判断.答案是A,表示“不可能打扫过”是正确答案.选项C) mustn't have been的否定形式应为can't have been.选项B) shouldn't have been意为“不应该打扫过,而实际上已经打扫过了”,跟句意不符.
c) 对现在的事情进行把握较小的判断
否定判断时一般用may not + 动词原形.
She may not be annoyed because she is very patient.(她可能不会烦躁,因为她很有耐心.)
d) 对现在的事情进行把握更小的判断
否定判断时一般用might not+动词原形.
She might not be annoyed because she usually is very patient.(她可能不会烦躁,因为她通常很有耐心.)
e) 对过去的事情进行把握较小的判断时一般用may+动词的完成时形式(may have done),同样,may不再表示“可以”,而是表示“可能”.对过去事情进行把握较小的否定判断时一般用加动词的完成时形式(may not have done).
例:He may have gone back home, because he didn't say he would take part in her birthday party.(他可能已经回家了,因为他并没有说会参加她的生日聚会.)
f) 对过去的事情进行把握更小的判断
肯定判断一般用might+动词的完成时形式(might have done);
例:She was thankful that she'd had her baby in hospital; otherwise, she thought, the baby _____.
A) died B) had died C) might have died D) might die
否定判断时一般用might not+动词的完成时形式(might not have done).
g) 用needn't have done来表示“没有必要(做已经做了的事)”
You ______ all those calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of thing.
A) needn't have done B) shouldn't have done
C) must not have done D) cannot have done
后面一句是说:“这类计算我们由计算机来做”.按后面一句的意思来推测,前面是讲:“你已经做了全部计算,这是没有必要的”.Needn't 后面接动词完成式正是表示这种意思, 所以答案是A.
3. would的用法:
1) 用于提出提议或邀请
例:Would you like to change a seat? It's warmer here.(您要不要换一下座位?这里暖和些.)
Would you prefer a hardback edition?(您要不要买一本精装本?)
2) 用于提出客气的要求或请求:
例:I would like you to fetch that document for me now.(我想请你现在就帮我把那份文件取来.)
I would like to know more about your plan.(我想更多地了解一下你的计划.)
3) would you mind + doing句型通常用于表示请求对方做一件有一定麻烦的事情,语气一般都非常客气.注意回答时通常是肯定的,以表示愿意做所要求的事情.
例:Would you mind filling in this form?(请您填一下这张表.)
Would you mind repeating what you just said?(请把刚才的话重复一遍好吗?)
4) 用于委婉地表示自己的意见:
例:I would think the journey will take something like two weeks.(依我看,这次旅程大约需要两个星期.)
I would look at the problem a little differently.(我对这个问题的看法略有不同.)
5) 用于表示过去经常性的行为或动作:
例:The retired captain would sit hours on end watching ships sailing past.(退休的船长经常坐在海边观望过往的行船,一坐就是几个小时.)
He would go to bed strictly at 9, and on Sundays would not have lunch anywhere except in that restaurant.(他总是严格地9点上床睡觉.星期日总在那家饭店吃午饭.)
4. should的用法:
1) 用于表示“应该”或“不应该”的概念.此时常指长辈教导或责备晚辈:
例:You should be here with clean hands.(你应该把手洗干净了再来吃饭.)
With all this work on hand, he _______ to the cinema last night.
A) mustn't B) oughtn't to go
C) wouldn't go D) shouldn't have gone
全句的意思是:“他手头又这么多工作,昨夜不该看电影”.本句表达的是昨天已经发生但去不该发生的事情,所以应该用情态动词should的否定式,后接动词的完成式.因而答案是D) shouldn't have gone.
2) 用于提出意见劝导别人:
例:It would be better if the three of you should work as a team.(最好你们三个人能组成一个小组工作.)
To keep your work, you should prove yourself a resourceful investigator.(你若要保住工作,就该证明自己是个足智多谋的调查员.)
3) 委婉地对别人提出建议或劝告通常用I should / shouldn't ……if I were you句型:
例:I should hand in a typewritten paper if I were you.(要是我,就交用打字机打出来的论文.)
I shouldn't worry at all if I were you.(要是我才不着急呢.)
4) 用于表示可能性.should的这一用法是考试中常常出现的考点之一:
例:We should arrive by supper time.(我们在晚饭前就能到了.)
She should be here any moment.(她随时都可能来.)
5) 在以in case或 if引导的从句中,常用should表达一定程度的可能性.
例:I will get some beer ready in case Uncle John should come.(我得准备些啤酒,约翰叔叔可能会来.)
If you should happen to see Mary, give her this package.(如果你碰到玛丽,请把这个包裹交给她.)
6) 用于表示一种惊讶的语气,should的这一用法也是考试中常常出现的考点之一:
例:It is unthinkable that a strong character like Nancy should find a weak-willed man acceptable.(象南希这样很有主见的女子竟然觉得一个意志软弱的男子也可以接受,真让人不可想象.)
I was shocked that she should have said such a thing to you.(她竟然对你说这种话,真让我吃惊.)
should与ought to
1) should和ought to表示责任、建议或劝告,翻译为“应该”,后者语气强一些.
You should listen to the doctor's advice if you want to recover soon.
Such things ought not to be allowed.
2) should接动词的完成式,是一种谴责,表示过去应该做而没有做或过去做了而不应该做.
I missed the class. I should have come earlier.
I shouldn't have made such a foolish mistake.