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谁能帮我找下20世纪或21世纪的发明什么的 用英语叙述

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 14:44:22
谁能帮我找下20世纪或21世纪的发明什么的 用英语叙述
这里又从1900年开始到1999年 整个20世纪的全部重大发明
Twentieth Century Inventions 1900 - 1925
I900 The zeppelin invented by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin.
Charles Seeberger redesigned Jesse Reno's escalator and invented the modern escalator.
1901 King Camp Gillette invents the double-edged safety razor.
The first radio receiver,successfully received a radio transmission.
Hubert Booth invents a compact and modern vacuum cleaner.
1902 Willis Carrier invents the air conditioner.
French physicist George Claude invents neon light.
The lie detector or polygraph machine is invented by James Mackenzie.
The birth of the Teddy Bear.
George Claude invented neon light.
1903 Edward Binney and Harold Smith co-invent crayons.
Bottle-making machinery invented by Michael J.Owens.
The Wright brothers invent the first gas motored and manned airplane.
Mary Anderson invents windshield wipers.
William Coolidge invents ductile tungsten used in lightbulbs.
1904 Teabags invented by Thomas Suillivan.
Benjamin Holt invents a tractor.
John A Fleming invents a vacuum diode or Fleming valve.
1905 Albert Einstein published the Theory of Relativity and made famous the equation,E = mc2.
Mary Anderson receives a patent for windshield wipers.
1906 William Kellogg invents Cornflakes.
Lewis Nixon invents the first sonar like device.
Lee Deforest invents electronic amplifying tube (triode).
1907 Leo Baekeland invents the first synthetic plastic called Bakelite.
Color photography invented by Auguste and Louis Lumiere.
The very first piloted helicopter was invented by Paul Cornu.
1908 The gyrocompass invented by Elmer A.Sperry.
Cellophane invented by Jacques E.Brandenberger.
Model T first sold.
J W Geiger and W Müller invent the geiger counter.
Fritz Haber invents the Haber Process for making artificial nitrates.
1909 Instant coffee invented by G.Washington.
1910 Thomas Edison demonstrated the first talking motion picture.
Georges Claude displayed the first neon lamp to the public on December 11,1910,in Paris.
1911 Charles Franklin Kettering invents the first automobile electrical ignition system.
1912 Motorized movie cameras invented,replaced hand-cranked cameras.
The first tank patented by Australian inventor De La Mole.
Clarence Crane created Life Savers candy in 1912.
1913 The crossword puzzle invented by Arthur Wynne.
The Merck Chemical Company patented,what is now know as,ecstasy.
Mary Phelps Jacob invents the bra.
Gideon Sundback invented the modern zipper.
1914 Garrett A.Morgan invents the Morgan gas mask.
1915 Eugene Sullivan and William Taylor co-invented Pyrex in New York City.
1916 Radios tuners invented,that received different stations.
Stainless steel invented by Henry Brearly.
1917 Gideon Sundback patented the modern zipper (not the first zipper).
1918 The superheterodyne radio circuit invented by Edwin Howard Armstrong.Today,every radio or television set uses this invention.
Charles Jung invented fortune cookies.
1919 The pop-up toaster invented by Charles Strite.
Short-wave radio invented.
The flip-flop circuit invented.
The arc welder invented.
1920 The tommy gun patented by John T Thompson.
The Band-Aid (pronounced 'ban-'dade) invented by Earle Dickson.
1921 Artificial life begins -- the first robot built.
John Larson invented the lie detector.
1922 Insulin invented by Sir Frederick Grant Banting.
The first 3-D movie (spectacles with one red and one green lens) is released.
1923 Garrett A.Morgan invents a traffic signal.
The television or iconoscope (cathode-ray tube) invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin.
John Harwood invented the self-windingwatch in 1923.
Clarence Birdseye invents frozen food.
1924 The dynamic loudspeaker invented by Rice and Kellogg.
Notebooks with spiral bindings invented.
1925 The mechanical television a precursor to the modern television,invented by John Logie Baird.