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英语作文 开春初,不少家长都希望孩子上各种各样的补习班,而学生则不同意,双方各持己见.请你根据下面

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 23:37:52
英语作文 开春初,不少家长都希望孩子上各种各样的补习班,而学生则不同意,双方各持己见.请你根据下面
再问: 好的,谢谢你。
再答: At the beginning of the spring, many parents hope their children on various classes, and students do not agree, both Each sticks to his own view. I made aquestionnaire, and have some personal suggestions! It is the parents' reasons: first, the cram school can strengthen the knowledge of classroom; second, the weak subjects of learning "reserve", this is one of the most important points; third, can learn more knowledge, enhance their own competitiveness. This is the reason of students: first, we usually need more time for individual study;second, if you spend too much time to go to school, learning efficiency is not high.Third, our pressure is very big, will increase the pressure on our study.
再问: 求英语
再答: 不是,我发了几次了,我还没发完了,中文不见了,英文 还在,真郁闷。说我字数太多了 那个你qq多少呀? qq发给你吧
再问: 我只看到了中文。。。o(╯□╰)o
再答: 你是说你看到了我中文的作文对不对。。就是英文的始终发不上呢!怎么办呢!!好郁闷哦,我都没看到我的中文作文!!
再问: 是啊,只看到了中文,要不你只发英文?
再答: At the beginning of the spring, many parents hope their children on various classes, and students do not agree, both Each sticks to his own view. I made aquestionnaire, and have some personal suggestions! It is the parents' reasons: first, the cram school can strengthen the knowledge of classroom; second, the weak subjects of learning "reserve", this is one of the most important points; third, can learn more knowledge, enhance their own competitiveness. This is the reason of students: first, we usually need more time for individual study;second, if you spend too much time to go to school, learning efficiency is not high.Third, our pressure is very big, will increase the pressure on our study. 还没发完的,等下你回复我了 我就可以继续发了
再问: 谢谢~
再答: So far, according to my investigation, all parents do is for the kids, I can understand. We should also take into account the child's reason and. Here are a few suggestions: first, I cram school can be arranged at the weekends or leisure time; second, the tutorial content should be their worst subject; third, properarrangements for the rest of the time; fourth, can be appropriate to suspendclasses in close to the examination time. 最后一段,自己检查是不是衔接,字数自己数数吧,我感觉够了的!!!希望帮到你