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谁能给我写一篇600字的 英文实习感想啊.急!别整在线翻译,那样我也会.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 00:55:34
谁能给我写一篇600字的 英文实习感想啊.急!别整在线翻译,那样我也会.
在公司实习了3个月,老板让我们写600字的英文实习感想.我就晕了,汉语的还行,英文 我实在头疼.
带着日夜的梦想,背负家人的重托,结束几年的大学生活,我满怀喜悦的心情,迈入纬创资通有限公司的大门,来此实习,来此寻找自己的人生坐标,来此创造自己的人生价值 . 步入纬创,给我的第一印象就像回到了自己的家.纬创人的热情达理,让我这远在千里之外的大西北农村孩子倍感亲切.各个部门的人对我们这些实习生都很照顾,只要有困难,有问题,不管是谁都会给我指导帮助,在这里始终可以感觉到和谐的人际关系所带来的温暖和关爱.打消了我来此前的种种担心和顾虑. 通过学习公司的各种工作制度,觉得纬创公司的管理条例很细,也很严,但我又感觉到那是一种很有人情味和灵活的管理方式,因为管理者们是以人为本,处处为员工着想的,所以,在纬创工作既能使自己的能力得到发挥,意志得到锻炼,又能让爱得到延续和传递. 来到纬创,看到的是一张张友善可亲的脸孔,虽然我的指导老师和我的直接交流不太多,但是看见他整天在公司忙碌的身影,我就知道他是一个非常爱岗敬业的人,其实我在纬创看到的每一个人又何尝不是敬业的呢?他们加班工作以成为习惯,大家每天忙得不亦乐乎,虽然有点辛苦,可我们干得心情舒畅,很快我就融入纬创这个大家庭之中了,在这里我找到了工作的乐趣. 每当万家灯火的时候,看着还亮着灯的公司,看着电脑桌前忙碌的身影,我就会想起“用心成就满意,杰出源自竭诚”这句话,我想更多的人都会体会到这句话的含义吧!现在,每当我走进纬创,每当我和家人朋友谈起纬创的时候,我都会为自己是纬创的一员而感到自豪.记不清在那里看到这样一段话,当一个企业的企业文化能够在每位员工身上解读到时,这个企业就是一个优秀的企业.不错,在纬创我更深刻的理解了这句话的含义. 因为有了这些感想,在纬创实习的每一天我都有一种紧迫感,从一名未出社会的大学生最终成长为一名纬创员工,我不仅要学习专研技术,更重要的是学习一种敬业精神,努力做到高效,自律,求实,创新.把自己融入到一个大团队中去,增强自己的企业荣誉感,因为一个企业的成功就是每个员工的成功,每个员工的成功,就是千千万万个家庭的幸福.我为自己成为纬创一员倍感自豪!
带着日夜的梦想,背负家人的重托,结束几年的大学生活,我满怀喜悦的心情,迈入纬创资通有限公司的大门,来此实习,来此寻找自己的人生坐标,来此创造自己的人生价值 .
With my dream of many month, with the heavy responsibility that I bear for my family, I ended the several years of my university life with a leaping heart. And it is with that heart that I entered Wistron. I have come here for my internship, for my life goals and to establish my own values in this society.
The first impression Wistron left me was that it was my home. People here are enthusiastic that understanding; which made me, a boy from the farming communities of the faraway North West, feel quite at home. Members of each department are all very nice to us interns: if there is a problem or any difficulties, there will be someone to help and guide me. I could always feel the warmth and love brought about by the harmonious relationship everyone shares. All of these had made my former worries and anxieties disappear.
By learning about the various codes of work, I feel that the management here at Wistron is quite down to the details and strict. But at the same time, I think it is a very humanitarian and flexible way of managing a company because all of the managers base their work on the people. They really consider for their employees. Therefore, I feel that by working at Wistron, I can prove my own abilities, train my mind and will and let the love between the colleagues be passed around at the same time.
Here at Wistron, I can see amicable and friendly faces every day. Although I don’t converse much with my mentor, I know that he is a responsible man who loves his job just by seeing his busy figure all day around the office. But then again, don’t I see that quality in every Wistron employee? Overtime is a habit for them, they can work all day and find fun in that. Although I admit that what we do is hard stuff, psychologically, we are contented. Very quickly, I have been accepted into the big family at Wistron and I really find joy here in my work.
Every time when I find the labouring figures in front at the computer desks in an office that is the only one lit during the night, I can’t help but think about something someone said, “Diligence creates satisfaction, and excellence comes from dedication”. I believe that more people will come to understand the true meanings of this sentence. Nowadays, when I walk into Wistron, when I talk to my family and friends about it, I feel genuinely proud to be one of its members. I cannot remember where I have seen it, but some said: “If the culture of a company can be seen in every one of its employees, then it must be a good company.” That is right, I can see this sentence proven true by Wistron.
And because of these sentiments, I can feel an urge during every day of my internship. In order to grow from an inexperienced university student into a Wistron employee, not only do I have to learn about the technical aspects, I also have to learn about dedication. I have to know how to be efficient, self-disciplined, truthful and innovative. I have to be one of the group and increase my pride in my company. This is because the success of a company is the success of its employees, all of the employees; it means joy to hundreds and thousands of families. I feel proud from the bottom of my heart to be one of the Wistron members.