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英语翻译Last week Fred had to go to New York It was his first ti

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 20:12:24
Last week Fred had to go to New York It was his first time there.and he did not know his way around the city,he had a meeting at 10:00o'clock,and he wanted to be there on time .The meeting was in the Peterson Building on 34th Street,but Fred did not konw where that was ,Seeing two men standing on a corner,he asked them
"Excuse me " he said "but can you tell me how to get to the on Peterson Building 34th Street?"
"Sure " answered one of them "you can get there in five minutes go to next corner and turn left walk three blocks and there you are "
But the other man said " there is a better way ,Go on the bus here at the corner It stops right near the Peters Building"
"Not Peters" Fred told him "Peterson"
Then the first man said "Oh that is on East 34th Street ,not West 34th,It is quite a distance from here.You will have to take the subway."
But the second man told Fred "No do not go by subway Take the crosstown bus.It goes to the Peterkin Building."
"Peterson not Peterkin."Fred looked at his watch .It was almost ten o'clock "Thanks a lot "he said "I think I'll take a taxi"
When he got into the taxi he saw the two man arguing and pointing in different directions.Next time he wanted to knoe how to get to a place,he'd better ask a policeman!
上周,佛瑞德不得不去纽约这是他第一次到那.他不知道这座城市周围的道路,他在10点有一个会议,他想准时到那.会议在就34号街的彼得森大楼里,但佛瑞德不知道它在哪里,看到两名男子站在一个角落,他问他们 "打扰一下“,“他说:”你能告诉我如何去34号街的彼得森大楼吗?“ ,”当然“其中一人回答:”你能在5分钟内到达那.转到下拐弯处和左转步行3个街区就到了 ,但另一名男子说:”有一个更好的办法,在这个拐弯处上车,它正好停在彼得斯大楼附近”“不是彼得斯“佛瑞德告诉他,”是彼得森,第一名男子说:”哦,是在东34号大街,不是在西34号,那里这很远.你最好搭乘地铁.但第二名男子告诉佛瑞德“不要坐地铁,坐公共汽车,它到彼得肯大楼” “是彼得森不是彼得肯”佛瑞德看了看他的手表,快到10点了.“谢谢”他说“我想我应该坐出租车”,当他坐进出租车时,他看到那两个人还指着不同的方向在争论.下次他想知道怎样到一个地方,最好问警察