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高手帮忙翻一下哈 急的很 可用工具 但至少读起来要通顺 完了加分

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 16:07:16
高手帮忙翻一下哈 急的很 可用工具 但至少读起来要通顺 完了加分
One way to address those issues is to build an aquacultural system that mimics nature, in which the waste produced by farmed fish is put to use. Thierry Chopin, a biologist at the University of New Brunswick, wants to take advantage of that principle with his integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA). In an IMTA loop, species like salmon and shrimp are raised less densely than in conventional aquaculture, together with seaweed and shellfish like mussels. The waste from the farmed species fertilizes the seaweed, which can be harvested for use in fish feed. The mussels, which are filter feeders, can gobble waste in the water, preventing pollution from building up. The result is more biomass and less waste — just as nature intended. "If it functions as an ecosystem does," says Chopin, "then it functions right." Even an aquacultural system more in tune with nature still faces essential challenges, including the feed-ratio problem. When producers began raising fish intensively, they picked species that people like to eat: salmon and sea bass. But those species are high on the food chain, and raising them on a farm is a bit like trying to domesticate tigers. The aquaculture industry has gotten better at replacing fish meal with plant-based feed, but not fast enough. You're not feeding the world sustainably if you need to remove the base of the marine food chain to do it. "The question of what the fish will eat is central to aquaculture," says Australis' Goldman. "We can't grow on the back of small forage fish."
A Fish and a Dream The answer might be simply to find a better fish, one more suited to farming. This is exactly what Goldman set out to do. He got into aquaculture in the 1980s as a college student and had a tilapia-farming operation for a few years. But while tilapia are more sustainable than many other fish because they're vegetarians, they lack the high amounts of omega-3 oils that make salmon so heart-healthy. Goldman tried striped bass but found them too fussy to raise. It wasn't until a chance encounter with an Australian entrepreneur that he found his dream fish: the barramundi.
As a farmed species, the barramundi is just about perfect. It can survive in a wide variety of environments and lays eggs frequently. It has a flexible diet, and much like its fellow Australians, it is laid-back by nature, so it can endure the rigors of farming. Goldman launched Australis in Turners Falls in 2004 and was producing barramundi commercially by 2005. The fish is rich in omega-3 oils; Dr. Oz named it one of his top superfoods in 2010. Less than 20% of the barramundi's feed at Australis comes from fish meal and fish oil — a better percentage than for many farmed salmon, which can require as much as 50% of their feed from fish meal. The Turners Falls operation is an indoor, closed recirculating system, so there's little waste, little risk of disease and no threat that the barramundi will escape into the wild.
New Brunswick 的生物学家Thierry Chopin 希望通过他的“综合性多营养水产系统”(IMTA)来实践这一原理.
在一个 IMTA循环系统中,养殖的品种,如鲑鱼和小虾,养殖的密度比一般的水生态系统要低,它们和海草、贻贝那样的贝类一起养殖.养殖品种的排泄物为海草提供养料,而海草则可用于喂养鱼类.贻贝作为滤食动物,可以消化水中的排泄物,防止污染.这样做的结果是,水中生物数量增多,废物却减少了,就像自然的生态环境所做的那样.“如果它像一个真正的生态系统那样发挥作用,那么它就成功了.” Chopin说.即便是一个高度模拟自然的水产系统,也仍旧面临着基本的挑战,包括进料效率的问题.当饲养者开始高密度地养鱼,他们选择人们爱吃的种类:鲑鱼和黑鲈.但是这些品种处于食物链的上端,在鱼塘饲养它们就好比尝试去驯养老虎.模拟生态系统的水产业在用植物代替鱼饲料这方面做的更好,但养殖的速度却不够快.抛开海洋生物链的基础去为世界人口提供食物,这样做是不可持续的.“对于水产业来说,鱼吃什么这个问题至关重要.”Australis' Goldman说道."仅靠着小饵料鱼,我们无法发展壮大."
Goldman 2004年在Turners Falls 启动了南极光计划,在2005年之前开始让澳洲肺鱼养殖商业化.这种鱼富含omega-3油; Oz 博士2010年称这种鱼为他得顶尖超级食物之一.南极光计划中的澳洲肺鱼只有不到20%的饲料来自鱼粉和鱼油——这一比例优于许多人工养殖的鲑鱼,那些鲑鱼的饲料中鱼粉的占比可能高达50%.在Turners Falls进行的这个养殖系统是个位于室内、封闭的再循环系统,因此废物/排泄物很少,肺鱼患病的风险低,也没有逃到野外的担忧.