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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 20:47:56
很多人都说分不清统计和计量的差别,我一下子也说不清楚.当年学概率和统计时都是为了日后学习计量,更深入的统计做什么、怎么搞我也是一头雾水.上次中秋和几个留学生朋友一起吃饭,其中一个统计学博士提到,经常有人问他一些估计量的一致性和收敛性问题,他有些不知所措.后来翻到计量经济学的教材,才发现只要是统计量,计量经济学家们都要讨论一下一致性、收敛性.他认为这就是统计和计量的差别之一.最近在翻阅Angrist的新作“Mostly Harmless Econometrics”,发现这位大牛有这样一段论述: Two things distinguish the discipline of Econometrics from our older sister field of Statistics. One is a lack of shyness about causality. Causal inference has always been the name of the game in applied econometrics...
The second thing that distinguishes us from most statisticians-and indeed most other social scientists-is an arsenal of statistical tools that grew out of early econometric research on the problem of how to estimate the parameters in a system of linear simultaneous equations. The most powerful weapon in this arsenal is the method of Instrumental Variables (IV), the subject of this chapter...