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填空 stuck to 没有+doing的用法吗

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/15 03:53:42
To his disappointment, the opinion he had stuck to _____ out wrong. A. turn B. turned C. turning D. be turned
解题思路: 见下
To his disappointment, the opinion he had stuck to _____ out wrong.
A. turn B. turned C. turning D. be turned
1、 stick to词组,to是介词,后面跟名词或doing做宾语。
2、 本题主语 the opinion,谓语是turned out。He had stuck to是opinion的定语从句,前面省略了that。To的宾语不是turn out, 而是that连词,代指的是opinion。
3、 所以,看题要分析好成分,把主谓宾找准确。
4、 再例如:
1) (2005山东卷)The country life he was used to __ greatly since 1992.
A change B has changed C changing D have changed (B)
2)On AIDs Day, the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems ____paid special attention to.
A referred to being B referred to be C refer to being D refer to be (B)
英语的诀窍就是熟练。办法是多背多练。年轻人,加油吧!Do your best and you will do the best!