作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 03:12:47
This paperstarts from theancientcalculus thought,introduced thehistoryof calculusto thedefinitiongiven by Riemann,laterRiemann integral.But in thepractice and application of theintegral,Riemanngraduallyshow someshortcomings,and so there isnecessary to improve theRiemann integral,resulting in aLebesgue integral.The Lebesgueintegral is anevolutionof Riemann integral,sothey have avery close relationship.In this paper,the definition ofRiemannintegral and Lebesgue integral,integrable functiontypes,propertiesand other aspects of thetwo are compared,and summed up thedifferences between the two.Lebesgue also pointed out that theintegrationis theextension of Riemann integral,but notgeneralizedRiemann integral.
再问: 怎么有的地方是连着的啊?最后三行连着的地方我分不开了。。。。前面的翻译还挺好
再答: 楼主你好:  This paperstarts from theancientcalculus thought,introduced thehistoryof calculusto thedefinitiongiven by Riemann,laterRiemann integral.