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英语翻译What's the worst that could happen?Live Life to the Full

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 09:43:00
What's the worst that could happen?
Live Life to the Fullest
By Shannan Rouss
Woulda,coulda,shoulda.Nothing's worse than a case of the what-ifs.To help you avoid the missed-opportunity trap,Glo brings you this no-regrets formula.Ask yourself which you'd regret more:taking a risk and having it backfire or not taking it and always wondering what might have been.Intrigued?Read on to see how the formula plays out in these seven scenarios.
Making the First Move
If it backfires...he'll tell you he has a girlfriend,and you'll smile and say,That's too bad.But secretly,you'll wonder if he made the whole girlfriend thing up.You'll sulk back to the bar,order a Tom Collins and forget about it in a couple hours.
If you never do it...you might miss out on meeting Mr.Right,or at least Mr.Really Great.
Verdict?Check to make sure there's no ring,then sidle on over.
Traveling Solo
If it backfires...you'll find yourself in a foreign country where you can barely ask How much does it cost?and Where is the restroom?You might even lose your passport and end up at a hotel that looks nothing like it did in the pictures.
If you never do it...you'll jealously listen as others regale you with tales of their own adventures abroad,but by then you'll be too busy with work or family (or both) to do anything about it.
Verdict?Get travel tips from friends and go somewhere semi-familiar to start.Bon voyage!
Splurging on Yourself
If it backfires...you'll buy something way too expensive—a piece of art or a one-of-a-kind necklace.Six months later,you'll be told you need a root canal,so you'll end up selling the item (which you don't really love anymore) for a whole lot less on eBay.
If you never do it...you'll be haunted by images of the un-purchased item,which has been swiped up by someone else.You'll be left to fill the void,buying up poor facsimiles of the original.
Verdict?Do it,but bring along a trusted friend for a second opinion.
Changing Careers
If it backfires...you'll start your own business thanks to investments from friends and family.For a while,things will go well,but then the economy will take a turn and you'll be forced to call it quits.
If you never do it...you'll continue toiling away at a job that you're good at but find unfulfilling.
Verdict?Make a plan,prepare for the worst and go forth into the great unknown.
Asking for a Raise
If it backfires...you'll be let down gently (assuming it's not your second month on the job or you haven't just returned from a three-week vacation).You'll probably be told that you're valued,you might even get a title promotion.But alas,the coffers will remain closed.
If you never do it...you'll grow more and more embittered,stewing at your desk and plotting your escape.
Verdict?Do it.And if the answer is no,then ask when it will be yes.(Don't actually say that.Instead try something like When can we revisit the issue?)