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求英语翻译!~~~16. Many people complained to the manager of a cine

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 18:00:57
16. Many people complained to the manager of a cinema that some ladies watched films with their hats on and blocked their view . they suggested the manager put a notice asking the ladies to take off their hats when seeing films .
The manager said that it won’t be polite to ask ladies to take off their hats and that he would protect their rights to wear hats . the complainers were greatly disappointed .
But he next day , the following words appeared in the screen before the film was on : “considering the health of ladies of advanced (old) age , this cinema allows old ladies to wear their hats when seeing film.”
All the ladies took hats off after they saw this notice .
17. Canada is a very large country . it is the largest country in the world . by contrast it has a very small population . there are only about 29 million people there . most Canadians are of British or French origin , and French is an official language of Canada as well as English . about 45% of the people are of British origin , that is , they or their parents or grandparents , etc , come from British . nearly 30% are of French origin . most of the French—Canadians live in the province of Quebec .
over the years , people have come to live in Canada from many countries in the world . they are from most European countries and also from china , besides other Asian countries .
however , Canada was not an empty country when the Europeans began to arrive . Canadian Indians lived along the coast , by the rivers and lakes and in forests . today there are only about
350,000 Indians in the whole country , with their own languages . In the far north live the Inuit . there are only 27,000 Canadian—Inuit . their life is hard in such a difficult climate .
很多人抱怨给经理说那些小姐在看电影时带着帽挡住他们的视线.他们建议经理放一个通告牌要求小姐们在看电影时摘掉帽子.但经理说这样叫女士们脱掉帽子很没礼貌和她们有权在看电影时带帽.所以那些抱怨者非常失望.但第二天,在电影放映前出现一下的文字:" 考虑到年纪大的女士们的健康,电影院允许年老的女士带着帽子看电影."
加拿大是一个非常大的国家.他是世界上最大的国家(最大应该是俄罗斯,这里误导人).相比下人口却很少.那里只有两千九百万人口.大部分加拿大人祖先是英国人和法国人.法文和英文都是官方语言.大约45%人口祖籍是英国人,就是他们或他们父母或祖父母等等来自英国.大约30%人口祖籍是法国人.大部分法国裔加拿大人住在魁北克省.近年来 ,很多来自世界各地的朋友去加拿大居住,他们大多来自欧洲的国家也有来自中国的和其他亚洲国家.但是,加拿大不是空地当欧洲人一开始来到这里,加拿大的印第安人居住在海边,河边,湖边和森林里.(这文章谁写的,好多文法错误,用了两个and).今天,整个国家只有350000说他们的母语印第安人.在遥远的北方住着因纽特人,只有27000因纽特人.他们在恶劣的环境气候下生活得很艰苦.