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英语翻译1.A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.---

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 22:48:40
1.A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.
--- William Arthur Word
2.The beauty of a smile,a smile of love and compassion---that is never lost.
--- Helen Exley
3.Life is not made up of great sacrifices and duties,but of little things; in which smiles and kindness given habitually are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort.
--- Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829)
4.A child of Happiness always seems like an old soul living in a new body,and her face is very serious until she smiles,and then the sun lights up the world……
--- Anne Cameron,B.1938
5.Humor is a presence in the world----like grace -----and shines on every body.
--- Garrison Keillor,B.1942
6.If in our daily life we can smile,if we can be peaceful and happy,not only we,but everyone will profit from it.This is the most basic kind of peace work…
--- Thich Nhat Hanh,B.1926
7.The day begin with dismal doubt A stubborn thing to put to rout; But all my worries flew away when someone smiled at me today.
--- Author Unknown
8.Learn the sweet magic of a cheerful face; Not always smiling,but at least serene.
--- Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)
9..An inexhaustible good nature is one of the most precious gifts of heaven.
--- Washington Irving (1783-1859)
10.There’s no law that lays it down that you must smile!But you can make a gift of your smile; you can be the heaven of kindness in your family.
--- Karol Wojtyla(1920-2005)
一共10个句子 都是关于微笑的 很短 很好理解,但是要求用精炼的汉语表达出来,文字要优美.我自己已经翻译了,只是需要仁者见仁,听取大家意见,企图蒙混的人请自重.翻译的好的话可以继续加分!作者名字可以不用翻译.
1、一个明媚的微笑是对善良的最好诠释.--- William Arthur Word
2、微笑正真的魅力所在是拥有了爱和慈悲,这将是亘古不变的真理.--- Helen Exley
3、生活并不是由伟大的牺牲和责任所组成的,而是当给予微笑和慈悲变成一种习惯的时候,自然也就赢得了别人的真心对待,同时你也会觉得舒适安宁,这才是生活.--- Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829)
4、一颗纯真的童心就像是住在崭新生命里的古老灵魂,当她真诚微笑的时候,阳光洒满大地.--- Anne Cameron,B.1938
5、幽默和优雅一样,同样能感染到每个人.--- Garrison Keillor,B.1942
6、如果在日常生活中我们每个人都能微笑,都能和谐而快乐,这将是世界和平的根本所在.--- Thich Nhat Hanh,B.1926
7、尽管有很多不开心的事情,尽管有做不完的工作,但是当有人对我微笑的时候,我觉得我所有的烦恼都消失不见了.--- Author Unknown
8、如果你知道一张笑脸的魔力所在,就算不微笑,但至少会感到安详和平静.--- Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)
9、善良的本性是上帝给予的最好礼物.--- Washington Irving (1783-1859)
10、法律并没有规定你必须微笑.但是如果你微笑,你将是家中的快乐之源.--- Karol Wojtyla(1920-2005)