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人教版初一上册的数学和英语卷子,我要08——09的和09——10的 有的给发来,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 16:14:52
人教版初一上册的数学和英语卷子,我要08——09的和09——10的 有的给发来,
一、 填空(本大题共有15题,每题2分,满分30分)
1、如图:在数轴上与A点的距离等于5的数为 .
2、用四舍五入法把3.1415926精确到千分位是 ,用科学记数法表示302400,应记为 ,近似数3.0× 精确到 位.
3、已知圆的周长为50,用含π的代数式表示圆的半径,应是 .
4、铅笔每支m元,小明用10元钱买了n支铅笔后,还剩下 元.
5、当a=-2时,代数式 的值等于 .
6、代数式2x3y2+3x2y-1是 次 项式.
7、如果4amb2与 abn是同类项,那么m+n= .
8、把多项式3x3y- xy3+x2y2+y4按字母x的升幂排列是 .
9、如果∣x-2∣=1,那么∣x-1∣= .
10、计算:(a-1)-(3a2-2a+1) = .
11、用计算器计算(保留3个有效数字): = .
2,6,7,8.算式 .
13、计算:(-2a)3 = .
14、计算:(x2+ x-1)•(-2x)= .
15、观察规律并计算:(2+1)(22+1)(24+1)(28+1)= .(不能用计算器,结果中保留幂的形式)
16、下列说法正确的是…………………………( )
(A)2不是代数式 (B) 是单项式
(C) 的一次项系数是1 (D)1是单项式
17、下列合并同类项正确的是…………………( )
(A)2a+3a=5 (B)2a-3a=-a (C)2a+3b=5ab (D)3a-2b=ab
18、下面一组按规律排列的数:1,2,4,8,16,……,第2002个数应是( )
A、 B、 -1 C、 D、以上答案不对
|a + b| - 2xy的值为( )
A. 0 B.-2 C.-1 D.无法确定
20、计算:x+ +5
21、求值:(x+2)(x-2)(x2+4)-(x2-2)2 ,其中x=-
(2) ;
23、已知:A=2x2-x+1,A-2B = x-1,求B
一、1、 2、10-mn 3、-5 4、-1,2 5、五,三 6、3
7、3x3y+x2y2- xy3 +y4 8、0,2 9、-3a2+3a-2 10、-a6
11、-x8 12、-8a3 13、-2x3-x2+2x 14、4b2-a2 15、216-1
二、16、D 17、B 18、B 19、D
三、20、原式= x+ +5 (1’)
= x+ +5 (1’)
= x+ +5 (1’)
= x+4x-3y+5 (1’)
= 5x-3y+5 (2’)
21、原式=(x2-4)(x2+4)-(x4-4x2+4) (1’)
= x4-16-x4+4x2-4 (1’)
= 4x2-20 (1’)
当x = 时,原式的值= 4×( )2-20 (1’)
= 4× -20 (1’)
=-19 (1’)
22、原式=x2-2x+1+x2-9+x2-4x+3 (1’)
=3x2-6x-5 (1’)
=3(x2-2x)-5 (2’) (或者由x2-2x=2得3x2-6x=6代入也可)
=3×2-5 (1’)
=1 (1’)
23、 A-2B = x-1
2B = A-(x-1) (1’)
2B = 2x2-x+1-(x-1) (1’)
2B = 2x2-x+1-x+1 (1’)
2B = 2x2-2x+2 (1’)
B = x2-x+1 (2’)
24、(1) (2’)
(2) (2’)
(3) + - - = (3’)
25、(1)C2 = C 2-2ab (3’)
(2)(b-a)2或者b 2-2ab+a 2 (3’)
(3)C 2= a 2+b 2 (1’)
26、(25)2 = a2 (1’)
a = 32 (1’)
210 = 22b (1’)
b = 5 (1’)
原式=( a)2- ( b) 2-( a2+ ab+ b2) (1’)
= a2- b2- a2- ab- b2 (1’)
=- ab- b2 (1’)
当a = 32,b = 5时,原式的值= - ×32×5- ×52 = -18 (1’)
若直接代入:(8+1)(8-1)-(8+1)2 = -18也可以.
27、解(1):第一小队送给第二小队共(m+2)•m件 (2’)
第二小队送给第一小队共m•(m+2)件 (2’)
两队共赠送2m•(m+2)件 (2’)
(2):当m = 2×102+4×10=240 件 (2’)
28、设:1997年商品价格为x元 (1’)
1998年商品价格为(1+5%)x元 (1’)
1999年商品价格为(1+5%)(1+10%)x元 (1’)
2000年商品价格为(1+5%)(1+10%)(1-12%)x元=1.0164x元 (2’)
=0.0164=1.64% (2’)
答:2000年比1997年涨价1.64%. (1’)
基础知识 (70分)
V、单项选择 (每小题1分,共20分)
31. Get up, it’s time _____ school.
A. for B. to go C. at D. go to
32. Look! They _____ the soccer match on TV.
A. watch B. are watching C. watched D. watching
33. Please _______ in class, boys and girls. Let’s begin.
A. eat B. not talk C. don’t eat D. talk
34. My pen pal is English, he comes from _______.
35. Can you please put my ______ to my mother in the school magazine? She can read it.
A. letter B. shoes C. fruit D. vegetables
36. His dog was lost, that made him ______.
A. feel happy B. be sad C. feel crowded D. be dangerous
37. We went to the beach ______ Saturday afternoon last week.
A. on B. in C. / D. at
38. I would like to have fish for lunch, ______ it is very delicious.
A. but B. if C. when D. because
39. --- What is your favorite_______?
--- I like pandas best.
A. animal B. food C. TV show D. job
40. We watched someone sleeping in Picture ________.
41. There ______ some money in the wallet that I found.
A. is B. are C. have D. has
42. I can’t go out now, it ______ outside.
A. is cleaning B. is raining C. is terrible D. is wind
43. – Where did you go?
--I read at the _______.
A. pool B. mall C. library D. restaurant
44. My uncle is a ______ in a big hotel near here.
A. nurse B. teacher C. shop assistant D. waiter
45. ---_________. Where is the pay phone?
--- It’s next to the supermarket.
A. Sorry B. Thank you C. Excuse me D. You’re welcome
46. --- ______ do you think of the weekend talk?
--- I ______ stand it.
A. What, don’t B. What, can’t C. How, can’t D. How, don’t
47. I’m very hungry, I want to have _____.
A. much money B. lots of heat C. some hamburgers D. many glasses
48. --- Do you think ______ enjoys their weekend?
--- Yes, I think so.
A. anybody B. nobody C. everyone D. somebody
49. --______ did they go on vacation?
-- They went on vacation last month.
A. Where B. Why C. How D. When
50. ---What ______ your cousin ______?
--- She is a bit thin with long black hair.
A. is, look like B. does, like C. is, like D. does, be like
VI、口语运用 (每小题1分,共15分)
A) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择正确的答案完成下列对话.
A. and I did my homework.
B. and I played tennis.
C. how about you?
D. What did you do last weekend,
E. What did you do?
Teacher: So, did everyone have a good weekend?
Student chorus: Uh-huh. Yeah! Sure, Ms Clark.
Teacher: Good. 51 Emma?
Emma: I visited my grandmother, 52
Teacher: Great. And how about you, Ben? 53
Ben: I studied for the math test.
Teacher: Uh-huh. Carol, 54 What did you do?
Carol: I went to the beach, 55
Teacher: Sounds like you had fun.
B) 逻辑排列 根据对话的逻辑顺序重新排列下列对话,使其成为一段通顺的对话,注意首句和尾句已经给出.
A: Hello, Sam?
A. So, How’s it going there?
B. Maria? Hi! Where are you?
C. I’m having a party. My whole family is here.
D. Hot. Hot and humid. And sunny.
E. I’m in Mexico! I’m calling to say happy birthday!
F. Terrible. It’s cold and raining. How’s the weather there?
G. Great! How’s it going with you?
H. Oh, that sounds like fun. How’s the weather?
I. Oh, thanks!
J. Pretty good. What are you doing?
B: Sounds good …
56-60 ______________ 61-65 _______________
VII、阅读理解 (共25分)
A) 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(用T表示)误(用F表示).(每小题1分,共5分)
Li Ming went to Shanghai for her vacation. The first day the weather was terrible! It was cloudy and raining. Li Ming took a bus to the museum. The museum was crowded but very interesting. It was hot and sunny the next day. Li Ming went to the beach. She played soccer and went skateboarding. It was great! The last day she visited her aunt and uncle. It was boring, but at night they went to the movies. They saw a very funny comedy.
66. The weather was humid on the first day.
67. There were many people in the museum.
68. Li Ming played sports on the beach.
69. Li Ming enjoyed the day with her aunt and uncle.
70. The movie was kind of sad.