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英语翻译大概意思有在就好 、 要求通顺呀、1When Michael was youg,he played basket

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 00:34:58
大概意思有在就好 、 要求通顺呀、
When Michael was youg,he played basketball with his elder brother Larry Jordan every day and he was always beaten,which drove him crazy.He made up his brother he would be able to beat anybody.He told his mother that one day he would take part in the Olympic Games and win a gold medal.Thanks to his parents' patience and belief and kindness ,he is a world famous successful player now and he has realized his dream .As a famous sports star he isn't a dirricult man .He is very friendly to his fans .He answers letters fromy his fans and at one time he even gave away a pair of his shoes to a little boy who was crazy about him.That's why he so much loved by all of his fans.
Cartoons for ALL
Do you like cartoons Do you know that the word "cartoon"came from Italian?In the begining,cartoon was the picture drawn in preparation before an actual drawing on the wall was started .It came into English in the mid-19th century.Since the 1840s ,the term has come also to mean any drawing that is humorous,or showing an opinion ,usually printed in a newspaper or magazine,with or without a short text.
Today cartoons are a part of the daily life of most people.people of all ages,but especially young children ,follow cartoons in newspapers ,laugh at cartoons in magazines and enjoy cartoons on television and at the movies.Cartoons not only reflect their life,they help form it.They set the style for clothing,food,manners and many other things.They supply ideas for plays,films,radio and television series,popular songs,books and toys.Names or words from cartoon series often come into modern language.It is said that the code word for the Allied Forces on D-Day wsa MICKEY mouse!
Many cartoonists draw with special pens.Some use the computer .Surely ,computers are especially effective for the making of cartoons
卡通这个词最早起源于意大利,刚开始的时候,所谓的卡通,就是简单的画一些图片,然后挂在墙上(供人欣赏).到了19世纪中期传到了英国.卡通的定义开始扩展开来,关于幽默,搞笑,或者表达某种观点的图片都算卡通了,通常刊登报纸,杂志上的.今天就更门类就更丰富了,已经成为人们日常生活中不可缺失的一部分,它的内容丰富多彩,衣食住行,天文地理无所不有,深受无论大人还是小孩的喜欢.而且表现形式也多样化,可以是杂志,电视,电影,话剧,广播等等等.它影响深远,有些卡通人物或词成为当代的流行词语,比如米老鼠(MICKEY mouse).