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八年级Units 1—3

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:00:10
八年级Units 1—3
1.I have a ______ ( 头痛 ) ,so I should see a doctor .
2.I am going to have a long summer ____________ (假期).
3.She often ________ ( 锻炼 ) on weekends .
4.He goes to the south to ____________(探望)his uncle.
5.I think going ____________ (野营)in the forest is a good activity.
6.We walk with our l________.
7.Yesterday I had a bad c________,so I didn't go to school.
8.There is much w________in the river.
9.She was very t________,and soon she fell asleep in bed.
10.He is very t________,please give him a cup of tea.
6.lie down and rest ______________
7.at the moment __________________ 8.stay healthy _____________________
9.healthy food __________________ 10.how often _____________________
II.用词的适当形式填空( 10 分)
1.I was ill yesterday ,but I feel ____________ (well)today.
2.He goes to the movies ____________ (two)a week.
3.I'm worried because my mother is ____________ (healthy).
4.I’m going to _______ ( hike ) in the mountains .
5.It's important for you to eat a ____________ (balance)diet.
1.I am staying in Tibet for a week .(对划线部分提问)
________ _______ are you staying in Tibet
2.She has a backache.(对划线部分提问)
What's ____________ with ____________?
3.I’m babysitting my sister .( 同义句 )
I’m ________ ________ my sister .
4.Mary likes going shopping with her sister..(对划线部分提问)
____________ ____________Mary like going shopping
5.He often visits his uncle.(改为一般疑问句)
____________ he often ____________ his uncle?
6.My sister is ill.I must take care of her at home.(改为同义句)
My sister is ill.I must__________ __________ her at home.
7.Lin Tao often helps me with my Chinese.(对划线部分提问)
__________ __________does Lin Tao help you with your Chinese?
8.Tom goes to bed at ten in the evening.(改为否定句)
Tom __________ ________ to bed at ten in the evening.
9.They always see a film on Saturdays.(改为同义句)
They always _______ _______ ________ _________ on Saturdays.
10.I sleep nine hours every night.(对划线部分提问)
__________ __________ __________do you sleep every night?
.Li Ying________(be) born (出生)in 1986.
2.Listen!Our English teacher________(speak) at the meeting.
3.My (eat) habits are pretty good.
4.It’s easy (have) a healthy lifestyle.
5.You may________(go) there a little earlier next time.
6.Good food and exercise help me (study)better.
7.Xiao ming (try) (work) hard.
8.The Smiths wanted________(live) in China.
9.The young man________(help) Granny to clean the house last Sunday.
10.My sister________(write) a letter yesterday.
1.headache 2.vacation 3.exercises 4.visit 5.camping