作业帮 > 综合 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 04:02:59
Unit 13
1.develop healthy eating habits 培养健康饮食习惯
2.give reasons for 给出…的原因 3.cooking terms 烹调术语
4.give advice/ make suggestions 提建议 5.have a high fever 发高烧
6.have a pain in/have a –ache ……疼 7.make a list of 列表
8.plenty of 大量,许多
9.no longer=not…any longer 不再
10.keep up with 赶上,追上,并驾齐驱 catch up with 赶超
11.high pace of modern life 现代生活的高节奏
12.make a choice/ make choices 做出选择 make a choice/ make choices to do
have no choice but to do 没有选择不得不做…
13.be good for… 对…有利 be bad for/do harm to/ be harmful to… 对…有害
14.be short of …短缺 15. choose from 从…中选择
16.in the right amounts 以适当的数量 17.not just/ only=more than 不仅仅
18.be based on 以...为基础
19.offer sb sth/ sth to sb/provide sb with sth
supply sb with sth 给sb提供sth
offer to do 主动做…
make an offer for…为…出价 20.build (up) one’s body 强身健体
21.be/ become part of 成为…的一部分 22.in the right amounts 适量
in large/ small amounts 大量地/ 少量
23. go for 适用于,应用于
24.instead of +名词/ doing 代替,而不是 25. even if/ though 即使
26.(every) now and then/ now and again / every now and again 不时,时而
27.keep/ break balance 保持/ 打破平衡 28.lose weight/take off weight 减肥
29.gain weight/put on weight 增肥 30.keep the balance of 保持…的平衡
31.a balanced diet 均衡的饮食
32.be/ go on a diet 按规定饮食,在节食
33.be filled with/ be full of 充满…
34.keep (obey)/ break one’s promise 遵守/违背诺言
promise sb sth/ sb to do sth 答允sb做sth
35.stay calm 保持镇静 36.can’t help doing 忍不住做…
37.keep /stay fit and healthy 保持健康
Unit 14
1. practise doing sth 练习做…….
2. a seven-day festival 一个七天的节日
3.dress up+in+服饰,衣帽
. +as 装扮成…
be dressed in 穿上……
4.do honour to sb=do sb honour 对某人表示敬意,礼遇某人
in honour of 纪念…,向…表敬意
5. greet the new year 迎接新年
6.on purpose 故意地
for/ with the purpose of sth/ doing sth 目的在于做某事
on purpose to do 有意做某事,是要做某事
7.have many things in common 有许多共同点
8.speak for oneself 自抒己见
9.believe in 信任 10.in fact/actually 实际上
11.keep sth alive 使…保持生机 12.be similar to 与…相似
13.make peace 和解 14.give away 捐献,捐赠
15.kiss on the cheek亲吻脸颊 16.look into the eyes 互传眼神
17.as well as 也,又,还
18.in other words 换句话说
in words 用语言 in a word 总而言之
19.as…as sb can 尽某人所能
20.play a trick on sb 开某人玩笑,欺骗某人
21.take in 欺骗,摄取 22.have…in common 有共同点
23.give thanks for 对…表示感激 24.have/ lose faith in… 对…有/失去信心
25.get together 聚集,集合
26.light a candle/ cigarette 点燃蜡烛/香烟 light a fire 生火
27.It is likely that… 很有可能…
28.be decorated with 由…所装饰
29.the return of… …的回归
the cycle of life 生命的轮回
30.form a circle 形成一个圈子
31.a symbol of… …的象征
32.in one’s opinion 按照某人的看法
33.from generation to generation 一代传一代
34.respect life 尊重生活 35.celebrate the memory of…举行庆典庆祝
Unit 15
1. solve the mystery 解出谜底
2. a mysterious box in their dormitory宿舍里的一个神秘的盒子
3. know sb well与某人很熟
4. 4.ten years of hard work 十年的艰辛劳动
5. no room to live in 没有房子居住
6.a moment’s rest 片刻休息
7.because of 由于,因为
8.for the past ten years 过去十年来
9.recognize sb认出某人
10.look older than one’s age 看上去比实际年龄大
11.would/had rather do/not do 宁愿做…/不愿做…
12.accept an invitation接受邀请 13.after all毕竟
14.marry a man with a lot of money/marry money与一有钱人结婚
marry sb be /get married to sb与某人结婚
15.continue (with) sth/ to do sth/ doing sth继续做某事
16.call on sb拜访某人 call at s.p拜访某地
17. try sth on 试穿
18.without luck运气不好
19. sth look wonderful /beautiful on sb穿在某人身上好看
20.be/ look exactly like sth 跟…一模一样
21.day and night日日夜夜
22.pay off all our debts还清债务 pay back money 还钱
23.be well worth sth/doing sth很值得
24.be made of valuable materials由珍贵的材料制作
25.try to do努力做/ try doing尝试做
26.come up with an idea/a story想出主意/故事
27.basic skills基本技能
28.build up one’s self-confidence建立自信
29.sth belong to sb/sth属于
30. give a lecture on international relations就国际关系作报告
31.cocentrate on /be concentrated on集中心思于
32.learn the lines of the play/ dialogue学台词
33.make the best/fullest use of sth完全利用
34. at (the) most/ least 至多/至少
35. be scared 受惊吓
31. dream of sth/ doing sth 梦想…
36. the desire of …的渴望
Unit 16
1.practise doing sth 练习做... 2.Safety comes first. 安全第一.
3.be careful doing sth 小心做...
with/ in/ about to do/ 从句
4.much too expensive 太昂贵
5.make use of/take advantage of the new technology 使用新技术
6. be good for/do good to 对...有利
be good/ kind to 对...友好
be good at sth/ doing sth 擅长做..
7.bring comfort 带来舒适
8.scientific discovery and application 科学发现及运用
9.nuclear energy 原子能
10.conduct a number of experiments 进行了一系列的试验
a man of good conduct 品性好的人 conduct electricity 导电
11.attract lightning 吸引雷电
12.electric shock 电击
13.be shocked at/ by 被...震惊
14.begin doing 长期的行为习惯开始养成
begin to understand/ realize/ see/ know/ think
be beginning to do
15.get charged (with electricity) 通电
in/ under the charge of sb=in sb’s charge 由某人负责
in charge of sth 负责某事
16.a great/ good deal of/a large amount of+不可数名词
a (large/ great) number of+可数名词复数
a good/ great many+可数名词复数
a good/ great many of the+可数名词复数
plenty of/ a lot of+不可数名词/可数名词复数
17.prove (to be)+n./ adj. 证明是...
18.tie/ fasten... to... 把...系/ 固定在...
19.end in a tie 以平局结束 20.take care of 爱护,照顾
be taken good care of / be well taken care of /take care that+从句
21.(be) in tears 流泪 22.tear down 撤掉/推倒
24.go against your view 反对你的观点
25.pick out 挑出,辨别出
26.test on...在...(身上)做试验
27.There is no doubt that.毫无怀疑地...27.be allowed to do sth 被允许做...
28.ways of doing sth 做...的方式
29.fight for rights 为权利而斗争
30.point of view 观点
31.add to 增加 add…to 给…加上…
32. add up加起来 add up to总计
33.there is a very high chance that从句 …的可能性很大
34.work with 对…起作用
35.sb/sth appear to do/be doing/have done …看起来做/正在做/已经做……
36.be in control of sth/sb 控制了……
37.sth be in the control of ……由某人控制
nit 17
1. be known for 因…而出名 be known to对…来说很出名
2. be known as 作为一个……而著名
3. It is said that…据说…
4.as it is 实际上 5.twice as difficult 难上加难
6.make/leave a good impression on…给某人留下好印象
7. in high positions 高职位
8. admire sb for sth钦佩某人的…
admire sb as 钦佩某人是…
9. be mean with money 吝啬钱
be mean to sb 对某人吝啬
10.keep doing sth 持续做某事 11.…become of sb/sth …后来怎样
12..be around/ round the corner 即将来临 13...threaten to do 威胁
14..practise self rescue 自救 15 .put up a tent for shelter搭起帐篷遮蔽
16.struggle to one’s knees 挣扎着爬起来 17.for the rest of one’s life 后半生
18..come to terms with 甘心忍受
19.at the top of one’s voice 高声地,大声地
20.find sb/ sth doing sth 发现…正在做某事
find sb/ sth to do sth 发现…将要做某事
find it+adj.+to do sth 发现做某事…
20.warn sb not to do sth 警告某人不要做某事
21.lie /lay/lain down 平躺
22.be thankful for 对…感激 be grateful for
23.in good/ poor health 好的/坏的身体
24.drag sth out of / into将…拉出/进…
25.die down 停止,平息 die out 灭绝 die away消失
26.regret to say/ tell sb sth 遗憾地(做某事) regret doing 后悔做了某事
27.without luck/regret/warning毫无运气/后悔/预兆
28.lead to 引起 29.stand on one’s legs 站起来
30.make a decision 下决心/决定 31.in an extreme climate 在极端的气候下
32.meet the challenge 面对挑战 33.solo travel 单独旅行
34.what else… but…除了…还有…
35.at the opposite end of the world 在世界的另一端
36.had done… when…/ be about to do… when… / be doing… when…
37.be optimistic about…对…很乐观
38.take shelter from 躲避…
39. take up 从事
40. hold no promise 没有指望
41.skip grade/school 跳级/逃学 42.bear the hardship 忍受艰难困苦
43.a part-time job 一个 兼职工作 44.within reach for everyone 每人唾手可得
Unit 18
1. in relation to 与…有关系 relate to
2. lie off western coast of … 位于…西海岸
lie in/ on/ to the south of … / the southern part of…
3. make a living from sth/ doing sth/ by doing sth 依靠...过活
live on sth
4. be made up of 由...组成 make up 构成
make up for 弥补
5. be surrounded by/ with 由...环绕
6. the same size as 和...面积一样大
7.further to the south 更南边 8.a natural deep harbour 一个自然深水港
9.a natural landscape 一处自然风光 10.a mild sea climate 温和的海洋气候
11.make electricity 发电 12.an area of ... ...的面积
13.on the voyage 在航海旅行 14.take/get /gain possession of 占有,占据
come into one’s possession in one’s possession/ in the possession of sb
be in possession of
15.sign an agreement (with sb) (与...)签署协议
16.as a sign of 作为...的象征
17.sign one’s name 签名 18.be celebrated as 作为...庆祝
19.national holiday/ song/ flag/ day 国假日/国歌/国旗/国庆日
20.refer to 提及/代表 21.a matter of time 时间问题
22.have a population of 有...的人口 23.total population 总人口
total area 总面积 24.an official language 官方语
25.at an early age 很小时候 26.be marked with 用…作标记
27.turn to sth/ doing sth 开始干,求助于,转向
28.ship to 用船运到某地 29.be of great importance/ 很重要
be of good/high quality 质量上乘
be of no use 无用 be of value
30.outdoor/ indoor activities 户外/ 室内活动
31. import and export business 进出口贸易
32. gosailing/ camping/ hiking/fishing /swimming/ boating
33.sheep/cattle farming 养羊业/养牛业
ten cattle/ten head of cattle 十头牛
a herd of cattle 一群牛 34. attract tourist 吸引游客
35.early/mid-/late December12月上旬/中旬/下旬
Unit 19
1. have a effect on/ have effects on 对什么有影响
2.feed…on…/feed…to sth/sb 给…喂…东西
3.be fed up with… 厌倦…
4.in early times 在早期 5.change…into…把什么…变成…
6.go against nature 违背自然 7. lead to 导致
8.in the best way possible尽可能用最好的方法
9.take notes of 做笔记
10.as far as sb can see 依某人看 11.in the last/past years 在过去的那些年代
12.environmental problem环境问题
13.together with 和某人一道
as well as 和某人一样
15.traditional }agriculture/ industry/ education/ techniques...传统的/现代的……
16.percent of sth……的百分之…… 17.as... as possible 尽可能……
18.over time/ over the years/ over the past week过去的……
19.where/when possible 在可能的地方/可能的时候
20.save time 节约时间 21. bring in 引进
22.advanced level/ learner/ study/technical information 高级的……
23.in the 1980s 20世纪80年代 24.international exchange 国际交易
25.without harming the environment 没有危害环境
26.be harmful to/do harm to/do…harm 对……有害
27.depend on 依靠 28.the shortage of …的短缺
29.be short of 缺乏 30.stand for 代表
31.protect... from 保护…免受… 32.in earth在泥土里
33.in other words 换句话说 34. get ripe 成熟
35.without danger from diseases 没有来自疾病的危险
36.a variety of = various各种不同的 37.in poor soil 在贫瘠的土壤里
38.make good money 挣大钱 39. year after year 年复一年
40.research on/ into do research /on into/to do 对…调查研究
41.practical guide to sth/doing 对…实际的/有用的指导
42.at the right/correct time of the year 在每年适当的时候
43.year by year 逐年 44.intend to do 想做…/有意向做…
45.plant sth with space 种…留空隙 46.as a result of 由于……的结果
Unit 20.
1. wish n/v wish to do/wish sb to do
wish sb sth wish that ---- My wish has come true
Cf 比较 hope &expect
2. play a part/role in扮...角色/ 起...作用
3. plan sth/ to do/ doing 计划...
make/ have plans for 为...制定计划
4.use different techniques用各种技巧 5.marry couples 给这对夫妇主持婚礼
7. a job interview 求职面试
do an interview to sb 向某人采访
cover sth 采访某事
8. intend to do sth/to have done 想要做...
9. intend sb to do/intend clause用虚拟语气(should)do
10. have adults in mind 记住成年人
11. be famous for... 因...而出名 as.../to…
12. appear on the stage出现在舞台
cross-dressing 奇装异服
13.make fun of/ play a joke on/ laugh at 取笑,开玩笑
14.It is fun to do/ that...做...很有趣
for fun 取乐,逗乐
15.roar with laughter开怀大笑 16.speak with an accent讲话带口音
17.even if/though 即使,尽管 18.word play 俏皮话
19.be certain of/ about/ to do 对...确定 20.a flow of 一连川
21.act out a situation during their shows表演一情景
22.crosstalk show相声秀 23.(have...) in common (with...) 与...有共同点
24.make use of 利用 25.entertain sb with sth用…使…娱乐
26.have a long tradition of… ……有悠久的历史传统
27.date back to/date from追溯到 28.a rapid flow of fun 快速流畅的逗笑
29.applaud for为—鼓掌 30.appreciate sth/doing sth欣赏/感激
31.with the intention of 带—目的/打算 32.enrich one life丰富某人的生活
33.the suffering people受苦的人 34.a friend of my mother’s我母亲的一朋友
35.play four musical instruments弹四种乐器
36.be on such good terms with 与----关系好
37.in one’s forties 在某人40多岁的时候 38.cut in 打断/插话
39.a danger to 对…来说是危险 40.in surprise 惊奇地
41.at the interview 在采访中/进行面试 42.in the other direction 从另一方向来
in all directions四面八方 43.look on sb/ sth as 把…看作…
44.drive off 开走 45.cause a bad accident 引起严重事故
46.be on time for the interview 按时赶上面试
Unit 21
1. in a hurry 匆忙的
2. confuse A and/withB 把搞…与… 混淆
3.feel confused/get confused 感到困惑/糊涂 4.match…with… 把…与…配对
5.avoid sth/doing sth 避免某事或避免做某事
6.avoid eye contact 避免目光接触 7.go ahead of the queue 插队/轮子
8.on a crowded bus 在拥挤的汽车上 9.manage sth oneself 自己处理某事
10.vary from culture to culture 随文化的不同而变化
11.look directly into one’s eyes直视着某人
12.rest one’s head on the back of one’s hand 把头靠在手背上
13.get through difficult situations 摆脱困难 14.feel down 感到闷闷不乐
15.be crazy about 对…着迷 16.put .. in order 按顺序排放
17.tear down 拆除,拆毁 18.make up a story 编故事
19.the correct answer to this questions 问题的正确答案
20.give sb a hand 帮助某人 21.ahead of 更前,更早
22.hold up 举起,拿起 23.make a face 做鬼脸
24.fold one's arm 合拢手臂 25.do somebody a favour 帮助别人
26.thumb up 横竖起大拇指 27.make eye-contact 眼神接触
28.shake one’s fist 挥动拳头 29.wave one’s hand 挥手
30.pat one’s stomach 拍肚皮 31.shrug one’s shoulder 耸肩
32.communicate with people 跟某人交流 33.make a circle 画一个圆圈
34.avoid doing sth 避免做某事 35.lean forward 向前靠
36.roll one’s eyes 翻动眼睛 37.can’t help doing sth 忍不住做某事
38.a facial expressions 一种面部表情 39.feel like doing sth 想做某事
40.keep one’s finger crossed 叠起手指 41.as to 至于,关于
42.make a gesture 做一个手势 43.give somebody a hand 帮助某人
44.end up doing sth 以..结束 45.in details 详细地
46.go into details 细说,详叙 47.keep a detailed diary of…详细记下
48.hang one’s head 低头 49.focus …on 把…集中
50.occur to sb使某人突然想起it occurs to sb that clause/to do sth 某人突然想起
1. go over the bridge 过桥
2. in the right direction 以正确的方向
3.be based on 以…为基础 4.base…on…把…奠定在…基础之上的
5.combine…with/and 把…与…结合起来6.divide…into/with/…把…分成…
7.divide among/between…在…之中分配 8.be divided into……被分成…
9.thrills and entertainment 刺激和娱乐 10.educate and entertain 寓教于乐
11.emplore the past 探索过去
12.more advanced 更加高级
13.step into 进入 14.experience sth. 经历…
15.risk injury 冒险受伤
16.thrills rides 动感电影
17.scream one’s way…一路尖叫
18.race against 与………比赛
19.live to ride 体验兜风 20.limit… to…把…限制在…范围内
21. be endless 无穷无尽
22.cut off the electricity 切断电源
23.a conservation center 保护中心
24.be in a/the minority (在投票中)是少数派
We are in the minority. 我们是少数派 (多数人反对我们)
be in one’s minority 未成年 She is in her minority.
Fifty-five minorities 五十五个少数民族
25. have a pleasant conversation with sb. 与某人谈得好
26. achieve vt. 完成、获得achieve success获得成功, achieve victory 获得胜利
achieve one’s purpose 达到目的
27. have something to do with 与……有关
have nothing ( not much / a great deal) to do with…
与……没有关系( 与……关系不大; 与……关系很大
28. .give sb.a thrill 使人激动,令人兴奋;令人毛骨悚然
29.scary rides 惊险车乘
30.attend the meeting 参加会议