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英语翻译把以下翻译成英文 尊敬的领导您好 感谢贵公司给我一个面试机会 并祝愿贵公司事业欣欣向荣蒸蒸日上 从高中进入大学以

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/07 10:19:12
尊敬的领导您好 感谢贵公司给我一个面试机会 并祝愿贵公司事业欣欣向荣蒸蒸日上 从高中进入大学以后我一直没有放松自己一直努力奋斗积极提高自身素质和知识水平 努力充实自己 从大学一年级开始我加入到校学生会外联部 我还注重参加各种实践活动 像销售学习软件 校园代理等 大学生涯中 我注重个人品德提升注重诚信做人 学习勤奋认真 掌握财务知识 争取成为复合型人才 考取了会计从业资格证熟练操作计算机软件例如用友软件金蝶软件 大三是我最充实的一年 从大一开始忙碌于外联部的我终于成为了外联部副部长 在我们所有人的努力下我们成功邀请了XX来我校赞助 在ERP沙盘模拟大赛中我们组获得了二等奖的好成绩 这要感谢团队不断进取合作的精神 假期我参加了黑龙江大庆石化公司和中国银行等实习 从现实生活中提升自己素质 教给了我很多社会经验 择业的标准不在于待遇的高低而在于是否有合适自己的岗位 我择业的唯一标准就是能否有开明的领导给我一个证明自己的机会 大学四年 做人做事做学问是我的生活写照 我今天冒昧的向您毛遂自荐希望能得到一个检验自己的机会 也希望能为贵公司的发展贡献微薄之力 我深知毕业仅仅是求学的开始社会才是一所真正大学
Distinguished leaders:
First of all, I want to express my appreciation for you give me this opportunity to attend this job interview, and hope that your company's business will get flourishing and prosperous.Now,please allow me to introduce myself.
Since I was admitted into the college from senior high,I never relax myself,on the contrary,I am striving to improve my quality and expand my knowledge, trying to enrich myself.During the Freshman Year,I joined the public relations department of our student union, and attended all kinds of important practical activities, such as the saling of learning software, the campus agent etc.Also I focused on elevating personal morality in college,being honest is my main principle.In order to become a versatile talent, I learned hard to master financial knowledge,and I got the accounting take-up certificate.Besides I got good PC skills such as the Kingdee software. The third year in college is the most substantial year for me.Becasue since I joined the public relations department in the Freshman Year,now I finally became the undersecretary.Through all members' common efforts,we successfully invited XXX to come to our school to sponsor us.In ERP sand table simulation game,our team won the second prize.This is due to the cooperative and advancing forward team spirit.During the school holidays,I attended the intership program in Heilongjiang Daqing Pechem and Bank of China.Through the practical life,I improved my quality,learned a lot of social experience.The criteria for choosing the job is not the treatment but whether the job is suitable for you.The only standard when I choose the job is whether I can have a enlightened leader who can give me the opportunity to prove myself.During the four-year's study in the college,the picture of my life is illustrated by the friends I made, the things I did and the knowledge I learned.Today I venture to recommend myself,hoping I can get a opportunity to prove myself,also I hope I can make my little contribution to your company.I deeply understand that graduation is just the beginning, the society is a true university.
英语翻译把以下翻译成英文 尊敬的领导您好 感谢贵公司给我一个面试机会 并祝愿贵公司事业欣欣向荣蒸蒸日上 从高中进入大学以 英语翻译请给我一次机会,我必将还您以夺目的光彩.感谢您在百忙之中所给与我的关注,愿贵公司蒸蒸日上、屡创佳绩.祝您的事业百 如何用英文写感谢信尊敬的xx先生:您好!我是x月x日下午到贵公司应聘销售助理的xx.非常感谢您给了我这次面试机会!很高兴 英语翻译您好!我叫**,来自**,非常感谢贵公司能给我这次面试的机会.我性格开朗,善与人沟通,业余时间我喜欢看看书,听听 “最后我衷心祝愿贵公司事业蒸蒸日上.”的英语准确翻译 英语翻译尊敬的贵公司领导:您好!我是辽宁石油化工大学的一名应届本科毕业生,非常感激您能在百忙之中抽空审阅我的求职信.给予 英文面试自我介绍急我叫XXX 今年23 很荣幸能参加贵公司的面试也感谢贵公司给我这个机会,我之前从事过两份工作,最近的一 我希望贵公司能给我一次机会翻译成英文 英语翻译我叫xxx,英文名字叫xxx,今年24岁,我来自长春市,非常感谢贵公司给我这次面试的机会,因为我的英语不是很好, 英语翻译我叫XXX 今年21岁,来自北京,很荣幸能参加贵公司的面试,也感谢贵公司给我这个机会,我之前有过工作经验,最近的 英语翻译尊敬的贵公司领导:好您!首先感谢您给我这次难得的机遇,请您在百忙之中抽出一点时间,以平和的心态来看完这封求职介绍 请把“我很高兴能参加贵公司的面试“翻译成英语