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Better city beter life 高中英文作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 02:16:43
Better city beter life 高中英文作文
要关于 :垃圾和噪音的影响和措施
The theme of Expo 2010 is "Better City,Better Life," representing the common wish of the whole humankind for a better living in future urban environments.This theme represents a central concern of the international community for future policy making,urban strategies and sustainable development.In 1800,2% of the global population lived in cities.In 1950,the figure raised to 29%,in 2000,almost half the world population moved into cities,and by 2010,as estimated by the United Nations,the urban population will account for 55% of the total human population.
The quest for a better life has run through the urban history of mankind.Through different sub-themes,Expo 2010 will create blueprints for future cities and harmonious urban life styles,providing an extraordinary educational and entertaining platform for visitors of all nations:
●Blending of diverse cultures in the city
●Economic prosperity in the city
●Innovations of science and technology in the city
●Remodelling of communities in the city
●Interactions between urban and rural areas
Tuesday's winning of the bid to host the World Expo 2010 is expected to fuel Shanghai's supersonic growth for at least the next eight years.
But the carnival on Tuesday night across Shanghai meant more than that to the average Chinese,especially to Shanghai residents.
Humiliated by Western powers for more than a century before 1949,Mao Zedong made Chinese people proud of themselves as Chinese by saying "The Chinese people have stood up!"
Deng Xiaoping brought more confidence and self-esteem to the Chinese with a much stronger economy and greater national prowess.
Beijing's winning of the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games last year was a solid proof of the international recognition of China's increasing status on the world stage.
This time,Shanghai was no less outstanding,winning the "Olympics" in the field of economics,science and technology.
With the World Expo,Shanghai will continue to be a leading city in China and an international economic,financial,trade and shipping centre in the near future.
The Expo means great opportunities to all kinds of businesses,Chinese and foreign.
Massive investment in infrastructural projects in the coming years are expected to again turn Shanghai into one of the largest construction sites in the world,like it was in the mid-1990s.
But what should not be like the 1990s is that more old houses and historical sites should be preserved instead of being demolished,so people coming to Shanghai in 2010 will get a sense of the city's rich history,not just a modern and futuristic un-Chinese city with dense highrises.Concrete jungles built in some local neighbourhoods in the past decade are definitely not what we want to present to the rest of the world.
Shanghai should be an environmentally friendly city with great mass transport systems,not cramming its streets with highly promoted and polluting family cars.
I fully agree with the idea that some parts of the Huangpu River bank,with cranes and workshops,should be preserved as a museum for our children.
Average Shanghainese,especially people who have to be relocated because of the Expo,should be able to afford their new apartments,when property prices are driven higher and higher.
Senior citizens in this ageing city should have a more colourful life.Shanghai residents should behave like citizens from a country with a long civilization.And local residents should have a bigger say in government decision making and in planning the city's future.
"Better City,Better Life" is definitely an excellent theme for Shanghai to pursue.The heightened international attention on Shanghai in the years leading to the Expo makes this a great time for Shanghai to tackle its problems.