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英语翻译 战争,让人的兽性最大程度地释放——所有的人都像动物,也只有像动物那样,才有活的希望.开始时,他不得不跟几个和他

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 07:33:50
开始时,他不得不跟几个和他差不多大,甚至还有没他大的孩子胆战心惊地往前跑——他们只知道要往前跑,决不能回头,哪怕那是家的方向. 他是如此卑微,任何一个手持武器的人,都可以肆意虐杀他们,就像踩死一只蚂蚁.
然后,现实是要么,把自己变成冷血的狮子,用猎物的鲜血换来自己活的能量.  要么,让自己化身迅捷的羚羊,用机敏和速度来躲避死亡的威胁.  伊斯梅尔最终还是加入了狮子的行列——他穿上了军装,成为了一名童兵.  伊斯梅尔觉得自己是荣耀的.  他不必像食草动物那样苟且地活着,他像站在食物链顶层的狮子一样威武而有力.
War,let the maximum degree of animal man's release -- all of them like the animal,just like an animal,just have the hope of living.At the beginning,he had to talk to some as big as he was,he didn't even older children tremble with fear in one's boots ran -- they only know to run forward,never look back,even if it is the direction of home.He is so humble,any one of the armed men,can wanton killing them,like stepping on an ant.Then,the reality is either,put yourself into cold-blooded lion,in exchange for their living energy with the blood of the prey.Or,let your avatar swift antelopes,with agility and speed to avoid the threat of death.Ishmael eventually joined the ranks of the lion -- he put on the uniform,became a child soldier.Ishmael felt the glory.He will not live as easily as herbivores,he is like standing on the top of the food chain as majestic and powerful lion.