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pre-perestroika Soviet system 和 Perestroika-era Soviet syste

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:历史作业 时间:2024/07/14 18:00:55
pre-perestroika Soviet system 和 Perestroika-era Soviet system
Perestroika 本身不就是前苏联的意思么?那pre-Perestroika是什么呢?
还有,the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion是什么?
Perestroika 本身不是前苏联的意思
Perestroika 是俄文,意思是"改革".Perestroika-era Soviet system 是指前苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫在1987年6月开始在苏联推行的经济政治改革,这个改革年代一直维持至戈尔巴乔夫在1991年下台为止.
The literal meaning of Perestroika is "restructuring",referring to the political and economic reforms introduced in June 1987 by the former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
pre-perestroika Soviet system 是指1987年6月之前的苏维埃体制.
Soviet is an elected governmental council in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.
苏联--简称USSR,全名是Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.
The All-Russian Center for Public Opinion,中文是全俄罗斯民意中心
It is the oldest and the leading marketing and opinion research company in the post-Soviet era.