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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 11:16:06
Face-to-face vs. Other Types of Communication
Face-to-face vs. Other Types of Communication
When deciding between face-to-face communication and other types, such as e-mail and telephone calls, the kind of communication one thinks is better depends on the definition of “better”. Face-to-face communication is usually the most effective form because there is the least chance for a misunderstanding to occur. On the other hand, letters, e-mail, and telephone calls are more efficient means of communication. In my opinion, the latter type of communication is better because efficiency is becoming increasingly important in the workplace.
There are times when information must be communicated with exactness, and at such times a face-to-face conversation would be better. However, this is not always necessary or feasible. Many times we have to communicate with people who are far away. Traveling to meet them would be both prohibitively expensive and take a great deal of time. In these cases other forms of communication, especially electronic communication, are more appropriate. In addition, letters and e-mail allow us to have a record of the communication. This can be referred back to later should any dispute arise. Finally, these are types of communication that allow us to send messages when it is convenient. We do not have to match the schedule of another person.
In conclusion, letters, e-mail, and telephone calls are more efficient means of communication than a face-to-face conversation. They allow us to save both time and money. In today’s world I think these are very important factors to consider. Therefore, I believe that these forms of communication are better.
决定哪一种沟通方式比较好,是面 对面沟通还是其他的沟通方式,如电 子邮件、打电话等,要看个人对“比较 好”的定义的理解.面对面沟通是最有 效的沟通方式,因为发生误会的机会 最小.另一方面,信件、电子邮件和 电话则是较有效率的沟通方式.依我 之见,后面这些沟通方式比较好,因 为效率在职场上已变得越来越重要 了.
有时当必须传递准确的讯息时,面 对面的谈话会比较好,然而这种方式 不一定是必要或可行的.在许多情况 下,我们必须和远方的人沟通,而专 程去见他们,费用可能贵得离谱,而 且又要花费很多时间.在这种情况 下,其他的沟通方式,尤其是电子的 通讯方式就比较合适.此外,书信和 电子邮件能让我们在通讯时留下记 录,以便日后万一发生争论时可留作 参考.最后,这些沟通方式使我们可 以方便地随时传送讯息,不需要特别 去配合对方的时间.
总之,信件、电子邮件和电话与面 对面谈话比起来是更有效率的沟通方 式,能让我们节省时间和金钱.