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开头是every morning Rekha、、、、、完形填空的答案

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 06:55:59
开头是every morning Rekha、、、、、完形填空的答案
Every morning, Rekha takes exercise around some gardens in our neighborhood. One morning, she was walking 36 than usual, and it was still dark.
As she was walking, a cyclist came up to her, 37 her handbag and sped off with it! She 38 him shouting “thief, thief”. A man further ahead must have 39 her or seen what had happened. He was 40 a car with a bucket of water near him. He took the bucket and 41 the water onto the cyclist.
The cyclist drove off the street and 42 his bike. Some other people rushed over and surrounded him. My friend Rekha was 43 that the people would beat him. She begged them not to 44 him.
She bent down and asked the boy 45 he did this to her. He 46 that he was the son of a farmer and that this year their crops had 47 . He said that the money lenders had threatened to beat up his father and hurt his 48 if he didn’t pay on time. He said that he was hopeless and didn’t know what else to do. He was very 49
Rekha was 50 moved by this story. That boy was so thin. She looked into the boy’s eyes and said that she forgave him. She then took out some 51 from her handbag and gave it to him. She told him that robbing was 52 and that he shouldn’t do it again. He said he would follow her 53 . He told her that he was from a good family and was well brought up and that he had made a terrible 54 .
The boy left thankfully. Rekha sincerely 55 that this would be the last time that the boy tried to rob something.
36. A. better B. faster C. longer D. earlier
37. A. took B. damaged C. knocked D. wanted
38. A. went through B. ran after C. turned to D. looked at
39. A. heard B. known C. helped D. caught
40. A. repairing B. driving C. decorating D. washing
41. A. took B. put C. poured D. painted
42. A. fell off B. looked for C. threw away D. got on
43. A. satisfied B. worried C. surprised D. delighted
44. A. respect B. kill C. forgive D. hurt
45. A. why B. how C. when D. whether
46. A. admitted B. agreed C. explained D. lied
47. A. disappeared B. failed C. developed D. changed
48. A. friends B. feelings C. neighbors D. family
49. A. sorry B. clever C. thirsty D. excited
50. A. mostly B. deeply C. hardly D. slightly
51. A. food B. fruit C. water D. money
52. A. disappointing B. dangerous C. wrong D. common
53. A. advice B. encouragement C. order D. behavior
54. A. living B. story C. joke D. mistake
55. A. realized B. hoped C. imagined D. decided

36. D.由后文的than usual和it was still dark可知Rekha这天比平时要“更早”一些.
37. A.由下面的sped off with it可知是一个骑车的人“拿走”了她的包.
38. B.包被抢了,Rekha应该跑在后面“追赶”.
39. A.根据后文可知,那个人帮助Rekha拦住了抢劫者,故可推断那人“听到”了Rekha的叫
40. D.由后文的with a bucket of water near him可知那个男人是在“洗”车.
41. C.根据语境可知,那个男人提起水桶把水“泼”向了那个男孩.
42. A.根据后文Some other people rushed over and surrounded him.可知抢包的人从自行车上“跌落”了下来.
43. B.由后文的She begged them,可知Rekha“担心”人们会伤害那个抢包的人.
44. D.Rekha担心人们会伤害那个抢包的人,故她请求人们别“伤害”他.
45. A.根据后文男孩解释他为什么抢包的语境,可知Rekha是在询问他“为什么”抢东西.
46. C.男孩“解释”了他抢包的原因.
47. B.男孩抢包,是因为庄稼“没有收成”,故用failed.
48. D.男孩说,如果他们一家不及时还钱,借贷者就会伤害他们的“家人”.
49. A.男孩是在道歉,表示他为抢包一事很自责,故选A.
50. B.根据语境可知Rekha被小男孩的故事“深深地”打动了.
51. D.Rekha对这个孩子非常同情,故应该是给了他一些“钱”.
52. C.Rekha告诉男孩抢劫是“错误的”,不应该再做了.
53. A.根据语境可知男孩说他愿意接受她的“建议”.
54. D.由前面发生的事情可知,男孩意识到自己犯了一个可怕的“错误”.
55. B.根据后面的this was the last time,可知Rekha真心“希望”这是男孩最后一次偷抢东西.