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1.-Why didn’t you answer the phone this afternoon?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 21:42:08
1.-Why didn’t you answer the phone this afternoon?
-We did' t hear it.I was in the garden and Mum __________ a shower.
[ A ] has had [ B ] had [ C ] had been having [ D ] was having
2.Laura had a good reason __________ to class yesterday.
[ A ] for not going [ B ] to not go [ C ] for going not [ D ] to go not
3.The further away you go out from the city,__________ are the scenes.
[ A ] the much attractive [ B ] the attractive
[ C ] the most attractive [ D ] the more attractive
4.We don't have much time __________ ; I will end my lecture in minute.
[ A ] remained [ B ] left [ C ] kept [ D ] found
5.-Where is my blue shirt?
-It' s in the washing machine.You have to wear __________ different shirt.
[ A ] any [ B ] other [ C ] a [ D ] the
6.You look tired; you __________ have stayed up late last night.
[ A ] must [ B ] should [ C ] would [ D ] may
7.I don’t think you two know each other,__________
[ A ] do you [ B ] don' t you [ C ]do I [ D ] don't I
8.People in this town __________ of a possible storm,and they' re preparing for it.
[ A ] would be warned [ B ] will be warned
[ C ] had been warned [ D ] have been warned
9.David had been there for nearly an hour.He didn’t' t know __________ to wait or go home.
[ A ] if [ B ] neither [ C ] whether [ D ] either
10.What’s done is done.It’s no use __________ anyone for it.
[ A ] blaming [ B ] blame [ C ] to blame [ D ] to be blaming
11.Customers are found to be more satisfied __________ the quality of the goods than their service.
[ A ] about [ B ] at [ C ] by [ D ] with
12.-What textbooks shall we use for the Japanese students?
-That is another question __________ we' ll discuss later.
[ A ] what [ B ] about which [ C ] on that [ D ] which
13.Since the middle of this century __________ has been learned about space than in all human history before that time.
[ A ] more [ B ] much
[ C ] better [ D ] a lot
14.After recovering from his illness,he was very anxious to __________ his work.
[ A ] get down [ B ] get through
[ C ] get back to [ D ] get along with
15.I checked all my answers __________ my teacher had suggested.
[ A ] as to [ B ] as
[ C ] that [ D ] such