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英语翻译翻译 1.请允许我向大家介绍主席台就座的各位领导和来宾2.敦煌石窟是中国的国宝,也是全世界的文化遗产3.近年来,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 11:33:12
6.今晚七点我公司要为你设宴洗尘 我6:30来接你
10.随着21世纪的到来 知识产权在国际舞台上发挥着越来越重要的作用
11.今年我们公司的销售额翻了一番 我为你们出色的表现感到骄傲
12长方形 长9英尺 宽5英尺 台面距离地面2英尺6英寸
1.this seminar is designed to provide all of us with a better understanding of the other's perspective on sustainable development
2.with intellectual property now accounting for more than 25% of US experts,protection against international piracy ranks high on the government's trade agenda
1.Please allow me to introduce the leaders and guests present at the platform.
2.DunHuang Caves are the treasures of China,also the cultural heritages of the world.
3.Recently,China's economy is developing well.
4.I'd like to thank all of you for your support and help to this meeting.
5.Our long time partnership relationship has developed in to a win-win situation.
6.At seven o'clock tonight,our company will hold a dinner to welcome you.I will pick you up at 6:30.
7.Worldwide speaking,the number of Chinese mother language people is three times of that of English.
8.I heartfully wish the ninth Pacific Harbor Convention end with success,and all of my friends have a nice and happy trip in Dalian.
9.The Hope Project is a national project that aims at helping drop-out students from poor families return to the campus.
10.With the coming of 21st century,Intellectual Property Right is playing a more and more important role on the international stage.
11.This year,our company's annual sale has been doubled,for which I am truly proud of your excellent performance.
12.The rectangle is 9 feets long and 5 feets wide.The table-board is 2 feets and 6 inches high from the ground.
13.Last year's financial crisis has aroused extensive attention from APEC members.
14.The Emperor Qin's Terra-cotta Warriors is located at 30 kilometers east of Xi'an.
英语翻译翻译 1.请允许我向大家介绍主席台就座的各位领导和来宾2.敦煌石窟是中国的国宝,也是全世界的文化遗产3.近年来, 英语翻译尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,XX公司十十五周年庆典晚会将在5分钟后开始,请各位就座.尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,XX 英语翻译尊敬的各位来宾,欢迎大家来到育美教育新年联欢晚会现场.演出即将开始,请各位观众抓紧时间入席就座.为了演出的顺利进 英语翻译(女)首先,请允许我为大家介绍莅临本次论坛的领导嘉宾:他们是……(男)让我们再次以热烈的掌声感谢各位嘉宾的到来. 英语翻译功夫茶艺(乌龙茶)尊敬的各位来宾大家上午好:今天很荣幸有我来为大家服务.请允许我先做一下自我介绍,我叫小华.希望 英语翻译尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,女士们、先生们、朋友们:今天,我们隆重举办2013中国青岛投资合作洽谈会.在此,我代表 升学宴家长答谢讲话尊敬的各位来宾和亲友们大家晚上好:  首先让我代表我的全家向光临的各位来宾及亲友们表示热烈的欢迎和衷心 英语翻译1.女士们,先生们,晚上好!请允许我向各位介绍我们今晚的嘉宾,杨教授.他将为我们致开幕词.杨教授研究成果显著,颇 英语翻译各位女士先生们,下午好,欢迎各位百忙之中抽空来到我们展会,我们是启示文具出口有限责任公司.下面请允许我向大家介绍 帮翻译几句开场词帮我把:1 各位领导,2 各位来宾,3 女士们、先生们,4 丽都的员工们,5大家晚上好!帮我把这5句译成 英语翻译题,请允许我向你介绍我的弟弟 英语翻译游客朋友们:欢迎您到明月山温泉风景名胜区观光旅游,很荣幸能和大家一起度过这一段美好的时光!下面请允许我向大家介绍