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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 13:01:52
Being buried in the mine was terrible ___ the 33 Chile miners never gave up in a time of trouble.
A.although B.so C.for D.but
中文解释为:这个句子是让步状语从句.因为在困难中智利矿工并没有放弃,所以选【D or 】.【D or 】表示转折..所以选择【】.
e.g:The answer to this question is ___.This sentence is 【让步状语从句英文】.Because the Chile’s miners didn’t give up when they are in trouble.So we must use a word which means trasition【这个‘转折’拼对了么】.So we should choose ___.
首先不是英文解释:你这个句子只有选A才能称得上是“让步状语从句”.没有用 but 带起来的“让步状语从句”,你给的中文解释绝对是错的.but 不能引导任何从句,but只是一个连词,连起来两个可以单独成为句子的部分.(实际上Being buried in the mine was terrible 和 the 33 Chile miners never gave up in a time of trouble 是两个独立能成为句子的部分,它们都有各自的完整结构.)更详细的理由请参见百度百科“让步状语从句”一条:
The answer to this question is D. Since the bad condition did not make the miners give up, there needs to be a negative logical transition between the two parts of this sentence. So choices B and C are false. Choice A is also false: it is not that the condition was bad despite the miners held on; a clear logic here would be that the miners held on despite of the bad conditions. Choice D is correct, since it describes the situation with the clearest logic.
转折最好用 a negative logical transition,不然 transition 就只有逻辑过渡的意思.
The answer to this question is D. The only sensible logic here is that the miners didn't give up despite of their terrible condtions. So the only choice that can convey this logic is choice D.