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There was once a little deer in the forest.He had beautiful

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 12:34:59
There was once a little deer in the forest.He had beautiful antlers,so he was very happy.But when he saw his ugly legs,he became very sad.One day,he was standing to look at his beautiful antlers in the river when a tiger came up.The deer ran away.The tiger ran after him.The deer ran as fast as he could.Suddenly he stopped,because his antlers got caught up in the branches of a tree.He did his best to get clear of the branches and began to run again.When he stopped at a safe place,he said to himself,"The beautiful antlers almost killed me,but the ugly legs saved my life." ( ) 1.The deer was not happy sometimes because________.A.he did not run fast B.he did not like the tiger C.he had ugly legs D.he had beautiful antlers ( )2.When he saw his.antlers in the water,the deer was probably ______.A.sad B.happy C.afraid D.sorry ( )3.We can see from the passage that the tiger _______.A.ran as fast as the deer B.did not run as fast as the deer C.did not run after the deer D.did not want to eat the deer ( )4.The deer did what he could do to______.A.run after the tiger B.get clear of the branches C.see his antlers D.save his antlers ( )5.What saved the deer's life?A.The tiger.B.The branches of a tree.C.His ugly legs.D.His beautiful antlers.
1. C
2. B