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求一首开头是if i have a rainbow的英文诗,题目好像是lover,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/28 10:41:01
求一首开头是if i have a rainbow的英文诗,题目好像是lover,
IF I COULD CATCH A RAINBOW Sandra Lewis Pringle If I could catch a rainbow I would do it just for you and share with you its beauty On the days you're feeling blue.If I could build a mountain You could call your very own A place to find serenity A place to be alone.If I could take your troubles I would toss them in the sea But all these things I'm finding are impossible for me.I cannot build a mountain Or catch a rainbow fair But let me be what I know best- A friend who's always there.彩虹 桑德拉?刘易斯?普林格尔 但愿我有神奇的魔力,为你留住天边的彩虹; 我们来分享它的美丽,常常让你一扫愁容.我会为你造一座大山,只要能借来鬼斧神工; 远离那喧嚣的尘世,深藏你孤独的行踪.但愿我能把你的烦恼抛进大海,但愿我能抚平你的伤痛; 然而,所有都是一厢情愿的幻想,一切莫过自我沉醉的秋梦.我没有魔力留住彩虹,我造山更缺鬼斧神工; 但可以让我做你的朋友,时时陪你,情有独钟.是这个吗