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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 02:54:57


Hard today, hope for tomorrow, the joy of harvest

  a poem, to put it very well: Do not sigh for yesterday, do not worry for tomorrow / because tomorrow is just a future yesterday, has become the past / future I do not know what to do in the past can only stay in memory / only today, is you really have / Today is your position at the charging / memory of yesterday, to grasp today, to meet tomorrow / Yesterday was the ladder of success, tomorrow is a continuation of the struggle.
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  of life alive, and not everything is smooth sailing. When you met with failure, when everything seems bleak, when your problem does not seem to have any good solutions, how do you do? Do you want inaction, allow problems overwhelm you? Each of adversity contains the seed of equivalent benefit, as long as the feel faith, the courage to stand up, there are always miracles.
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  American writer O. Henry, in his novel "the last one leaves," talked of the story: ward, a dying patient Congfangjianli to see out the window at the trees, in the autumn the leaves off an existence of discrete falling. Looking at the patient leaves the immediate Xiaoxiao, the body also will be deteriorating, a day than a day. She said: "When all the leaves fall out, I am also going to die." Upon learning of an old painter, Cai strokes with a vein of green leaves hanging from a tree. The last one leaves never did fall off. Only because of life in this piece of green, the patient actually miraculously survived.
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  could do without a lot of things in life, but only difference can not be without hope. With the hope that there is confidence. With confidence, their lives become endless!
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  have recruited young people to Microsoft Corporation, and the company has not gone through the advertisement. See, general manager of puzzled, young people are not adept with the English explained that he was happened to be passing by here, the rush came. Manager feels fresh, exceptionally, allow him a try. Unexpected result of the interview, young people doing terrible. He was general manager explained that no prior preparation, general manager thought that he is nothing but an excuse to find the next step, it should be casually Tao: "When you're ready, come try it."
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  A week later, young man walked into Microsoft's door again, this time he still did not succeed. But compared to the first time, his performance much better. While the general manager gave him the answer is still the same as last time: "When you're ready to try again." In this way, five times the youth has stepped into the door of Microsoft eventually hired by the company, became the company's focus on training targets.
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  belong to death yesterday, tomorrow belongs to God, only today belong to us. A good grasp of today, we have a real self. The full possession and use of good for every one today, we can break away from yesterday's pain, overcome the ups and downs along the way, hard work today, hope for tomorrow, the joy of harvest.