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初三完型英语翻译It was a hot Chicago day in August 1982 when Mike’s

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/19 06:36:03
It was a hot Chicago day in August 1982 when Mike’s fire-fighting crew (消防队) tried to manage a fire in a building. “It was hopeless to put out the fire because of the strong wind,” says Mike. By the time the 24-year-old fireman arrived most of the people had already left the blazing building. Suddenly, a woman came running
up to them shouting, “My baby, where is my Kris?” The woman explained that she had left her 7-year-old son alone while she went shopping. Mike made his way back up to the building. He could see a little boy lying on the floor. “I didn’t even have time to think if he was alive or dead, I just grabbed (抓住) him and rushed out.” Mike heard the floor the sound of the floor above crumbling(破碎)just as they left the building. The people broke into cheers as they saw them. When Kris coughed from the smoke, Mike knew he was still alive. Mike was a hero, but little did he know how his decision would save his own life 20 years later.
Two weeks after the building fire, Mike had two visitors appear at the station — Kris and his mother. They had come to thank him and they would repay him a life. Since then Kris visited Mike at least once every week after school. A few months later, they really became friends. As the years went on, Mike married, started his own family. Kris went to college, but the two remained in touch, writing
letters and talking on the telephone. At age 37, there was something wrong with Mike’s kidney(肾脏). By age 44, Mike was badly ill and he needed a donor(捐赠) kidney. When Kris called only to hear that Mike was on his deathbed, he knew he could finally repay him. He said to him, “I’ve got two kidneys, and you can have one .” The operation was a perfect success. “Mike says we’re even now,” says Kris. “But the truth is he was there all my life to help me make decisions and give me support .” Mike and Kris both went on to live happy, healthy lives in Chicago
突然,一个女人跑过来对他们大喊,“我的宝贝,我的克里斯在哪里?” 那个女人说, 她独自离开了她7岁的儿子,而她是去买东西了。迈克于是又回到了大楼。他看到了一个小男孩躺在地板上。“我甚至没有时间去思考他是死还是活,我只是抓住他冲了出来。“迈克在他们离开建筑物的时候甚至听到了地板破碎的声音。外候的人群看到他们之后爆发出欢呼。而当克里斯被烟雾呛得咳嗽之后,迈克知道他还活着.迈克是一个英雄,但他还不足以知道他的抉择将拯救自己20年后的生活.
信件和电话交谈。当迈克37岁时,他的肾有了毛病。而44岁的时候,迈克生病非常严重,他需要一个捐助者的肾脏。而当克里斯听说迈克在弥留之际,他知道是时候可以偿还了。他对迈克说,“我有两个肾脏,,你可以拥有我的一个.“ 而手术非常完美.”迈克说我们现在扯平了,”克里斯说,”但事实是他一生帮助我做出决定,给我支持.“迈克和克里斯都继续在芝加哥快乐健康地生活.