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英语翻译1.Nobody doubts that the “special relationship” between

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 00:52:34
1.Nobody doubts that the “special relationship” between Britain and America is going through a rough patch.But is it,as Jack Straw,the foreign secretary,insisted,merely a question of one or two disagreement between friends?Or is it the harbinger of something more serious going wrong in a relationship that in the immediate aftermath of September 11th seemed as close as at any time since the Second World War?
2.Ottawa (AFP)—ANGRY Canadians were asking Wednesday why they were not informed of a serious incident in which 11 Canadian peacekeepers in Bosnia-Hercegovina were reportedly put in front of a mock firing squad.
3.WASHINGTON(AFP)---The United States was “very concerned” about India’s test-firing of an intermediate-range ballistic missile,fearing it could undermine stability in the region,a White House spokesman said.
4.Penciled sketches of an air strike,complete with renderings of F14s and Patriot missiles.And on the ground,tiny people run for cover.That's how 8-year-old Jimmy Zayas pictures war in the Middle East...
5.SARAJEVO(Agencies via Xinhua) ― The commander of UN peace-keeping forces arrived yesterday in Sarajevo,while Bosnia’s warring factions were meeting in London for news talks aimed at ending the bitter war raging across the republic.
6. “Winning isn’t everything,it’s the only thing,” said Vince Lombardi,who coached the Green Bay Packers to three national Football League championships.Never has one statement been used by so many coaches to emphasize the importance of winning games.That is why so many of them put too much pressure on their athletes.It is truly disturbing to see so many high school coaches emphasize winning above other values.
7. Do your palms sweat when you have to give a speech or otherwise perform in public?Does your heart pound?Do you get butterflies in your stomach?That’s stage fright.
8.SABTUAGO ― Half a millennium ago,Spanish conquistadors swept across a great southern swath of the New World,plundering,colonizing and fattening royal coffers with native gold.Now,more than 100 years after the last of their colonies won independence,Spain is back in Latin America ― doing with mergers and acquisitions what it once did with swords and gunpowder.
9.WASHINGTON,Feb.9 (Bloomberg)--The World Bank said it is ready to commit $ 2 billion this year to help strengthen Mexico's commercial banks,bolster social programs and build the country's private sectors.
10.WANG Zhizhi's dream has finally come true.As the first Chinese player in the NBA,Wang Was looking forward to the day he could play basketball with Michael Jordan,the American legend.That day Came On December 9.
2 .渥太华(法新社) ANGRY加拿大人问他们为什么今天没有被告知的严重事件,其中11个加拿大维和人员在波士尼亚据报道,在前面的模拟枪决.
3.WASHINGTON (法新社) ---美国“非常关注”对印度试射的中程弹道导弹,担心这可能破坏该地区的稳定,白宫发言人表示.
4 .Penciled草图的一次空袭,完整的透视图的F14s和爱国者导弹.和在地面上,小人参加保险.这就是8岁的吉米Zayas图片战争在中东...
5.SARAJEVO (机构通过新华) -指挥官的联合国维持和平部队2 5日抵达萨拉热窝,而波黑交战各派了在伦敦举行的新闻会谈旨在结束战争的痛苦肆虐整个共和国.
6 .“赢得并不代表一切,它是唯一的事情,”卡特说,隆巴尔迪,谁带领绿湾包装工,以三个国家足球联赛冠军.从来没有一项声明使用了这么多的教练强调,重要的是赢得比赛.这就是为什么他们中的很多人把太多的压力,他们的运动员.它确实是不安地看到这么多的高中教练强调上述获奖的其他价值.
7 .你的手心出汗时,你不得不发表演讲或以其他方式履行在公共?难道你的心英镑?你让蝴蝶在你肚子?这是怯场.
8.SABTUAGO -半千年前,西班牙征服者席卷一个伟大南部大片地区的新的世界,掠夺,殖民和育肥王室国库本土金牌.现在,有100多年过去后,他们的殖民地获得独立,西班牙在拉丁美洲-这样做的兼并和收购它曾经与剑和火药.
9 .新华社华盛顿2月9日(彭博) -世界银行说,它准备承诺2 0亿美元,今年将有助于加强墨西哥的商业银行,加强社会事业和建设国家的私营部门.
10 .王治郅的梦想终于成真.作为第一个中国球员在NBA中,王期待着有一天他会打篮球的迈克尔乔丹,美国的传奇人物.这一天12月9日.