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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 19:28:45
1. it was difficult to guess what her __b___to the news would be.
a.impression b.reaction c.comment d.opinion
2.i appreciate __d_____ to your home.
a.to be invited b.to have invited
c.having invited d.being invited
2. the speaker,_d____for her splendid speeches,was warmly received by the audience.
a.having known b.being known c.knowing d.known
3. evidence came up ___c__specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.
A.what b.which c.that d .whose
4. he moved away from his parents,and missed them __a____enjoy the exciting life in new york
a. too much to b.enough to c.very much to d.much so as to
5. he was ___b___of having asked such a silly question.
A.sorry b.guilty c.ashamed d.miserable
6.____d____the advances of science,the discomforts of old age
will no doubt always be with us.
a. as for b.besides c.expect d.despite
7.how close parents are to their children __b____a strong influence on the character of the children.
a. have b.has c.having d.to have
8.he __a___when the bus came to a sudden stop
a.was almost hurt b.was to hurt himself
c.was hurt jimself d.was hurting himself
9.in Britain,the best season of the year is probably___b_spring.
a.later b.latter c.last d.late
10.the smoke from that factory is _____d__our air to a dangerous degree.
a.destroying b.spoiling d.polluting d.damaging
11.having entered the room,the teacher __c____the instrument on the device.
a.laid b.lay c.lied d.lays
12.they climbed to the top of the hill__a____they could get a bird’s eye view of the city.
a.for fear that b.in case c.in order that d.as a result
1.reaction是“反应”的意思,后面常用TO.“难以想像她对这个消息会是怎样的反应”A.印象 C.评论(on)D.意见.What her reaction to the news would be作guess的宾语.
2.appreciate是“欣赏”的意思,一般加doing sth.“很感谢你的邀请”我是被邀请过去的,被动式必须有be,而be在appreciate后面,所以就用being.因为doing sth.A,B排除.C未用被动式,也排除
3.came up是出现的意思.“有证据表明6个月大的婴儿可以理解一些特殊的话”.注意,这不是定语从句,没有先行词.
6.despite和although一样,“尽管”的意思.as for因为,由于,besides除了.(还包括),expect期待.
8.“当巴士突然刹车时他差点受伤”,hurt在这里作形容词,所以be hurt.建议你去查hurt用法.
9.怎么讲呢?late是迟到的,晚的.later是较晚的,更晚的,以后的.last是“上个春天”显然不对.latter spring就是“春天的后半段”.多读书,语感来了,这样的题,看都不看.