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英语翻译翻译这一小段,我会翻译,但我想更加准确,像DD.xx这些不翻译.rin和july是人名.邮件正文:xx hii

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:00:27
翻译这一小段,我会翻译,但我想更加准确,像DD.xx这些不翻译.rin和july是人名.邮件正文:xx hii riiin..oo finally im on livemocha..great feeling..:)today i came home pretty late and i didnt call my mum..she was furious coz she forgot that tomorrow i ll ve no school..:D.xx i spent interesting daay..aand when i came home i found out,we ve got some troubles with pc and internet so i thought i wont come heere but u know what?i ve just fixed it..xx oo im so skillfull..:DDDxx i do apologize,coz in this paragraph there is no chronological succession coz i wanna tell u plenty of information,i hope u rent confused..:)xx funny subjects..what will be next of them 3+3=6?:DDim curious what numbers we will finish with..i too..:))yees of course u can kiss me because of distance between us..if we were nearlier,if u were in slovakia or i was in china,it would be a little bit more complicated..:Dbut in my opinion,a minute kiss on my cheek i can accept..:DDxx sooo im expecting for it..:PPoo soo let me congratulate on your success..what prize did u get?xx soo u re really faast my chinese riin..:DDtry to relax..u deserve some free time.:)xx "crossing fingers"..:Dnoo the most of time its not in the connection with "religion"..u said :"i will go to school,i will take my exam"so my answer could be :"oo so good luck..im crossing my fingers for your success" is it clearlier?i think so..:)aand noow u know neww phraase..:)my pleasure..anyway..u asked me..me and religion..soo yes i believe that god exists and that he can help mee..smtms i pray,and every sunday i go to church with my family..i like him..:)im part of christianism..
还有1段,追分....aand meaning my naame..im not sure bout that..it seems to me like hungarian title..:Dand it could mean smthng like adjective of cross..can u translate it?:)aand record for mee..:))oo it will be greeaat im sure i will love it..it doesnt matter what u will tell me by this record,be spontaneous..:)when u ll say just "hello july,this is for uu.."aand u will be smiling,i ll be soo glad that i ll be flyying..:DDxx and plls dont be nervouus,i like your engliish.my english isnt the best of all without mistakes etc,but we can manage our conversation,right?:)oo im going to sleep now..im looking at my watch there is 00.11am..and im thinking bout uu coz maybe u ve just got up..:)im sure that beautiful day is waiting for u so enjoy it coz life is too short..:))seey..:)july..
我终于都进livemocha啦(一个学习语言的机构吧).感觉真棒.哈哈.今天我很晚才回家而我又事先没打电话给我妈.她生气极了,因为她忘了我明天没课,XX今天过得真有趣.当我回家时啊,我发现电脑和网络出现了些问题,所以我想我上不来了,但你知道吗,我竟然修好了哦.XX我是不是很厉害捏.哈哈哈.XX我得说声抱歉,因为我这段文字不是按时间顺序写的,因为我迫不及待的想告诉你很多事情,希望你不要看晕了哈哈.XX 有趣的科目.3+3=6,下一步将是什么?我很好奇我们要填什么号码上去.嘿嘿.
你当然可以亲我了,要不是我们之间的距离的话.如果我们离得近点,如果你在斯洛伐克,或者我在中国.这又会复杂得多.嘻,但是我想呢,给你亲一分钟脸颊我是可以接受的.哈哈,所以啊,XX 我很期待呢.让我祝贺你的成功先.拿到什么奖了?XX你真的比我的中国rin要快.;-),尽量休息啊.你应该有更多的自由哦时间.XX“交叉手指”,大多时候这个和“宗教”无关.你说:“我要去上学,我要考试” 我的回答就是:“祝你好运,我为祝你成功’交叉手指‘” 这样理解容易些了吧?我想应该会的.嘿嘿.现在你知道我的这个新短语了.真开心.不管怎样你问我,我和宗教.是的,我相信上帝是存在的,他会帮我.所以我会祈祷,每个周日我会跟家人一起去教堂.我喜欢上帝.我是基督教的一份子.
说到我名字的意思嘛.我也不大清楚.它对我来说就像个匈牙利的头衔.它可能带有十字架的形容词的意思.你能翻译不?可以的话记下来给我.感觉很不错我想我会喜欢上的.不管你记下来的是什么意思都没事,自然些就好.当你会说:“你好july,这是给你的”你会很开心的,而我也会很很开心开心到飞起来.XX 不要紧张,我喜欢你的英语,因为我的英语即使没有错误的话也不是最好的,我们至少可以顺利交流对吧?哦噢,我要去睡觉觉了.看了下手表,凌晨00:11,我这时候想到了你因为你可能刚刚起床.我相信美丽的一天正等着你,拥抱它吧,生命是短暂的.再见.july