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英语翻译摘要1932 年,海明威在他的纪实性作品《午后之死》中,首次提出了著名的“冰山原则”.他把文学创作比作漂浮在大海

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:00:51
1932 年,海明威在他的纪实性作品《午后之死》中,首次提出了著名的“冰山原则”.他把文学创作比作漂浮在大海上的冰山,认为作者只应描写“冰山”露出水面的部分,水下的部分应该通过文本的提示让读者去想象补充.他说:“如果一位散文作家对于他想写的东西心里有数,那么他可以省略他所知道的东西.读者呢,只要作者写得真实,会强烈地感觉到他所省略的部分,好像作者已经写出来似的.冰山在海面上移动很是宏伟壮观,这是因为它只有八分之露出水面.”海明威这个著名的“冰山原则”,就是用简洁的文字塑造鲜明的人物形象,并且把作家自身的感受和思想最大限度隐藏在表象之中,达到情感充却含而不露、思想深刻且隐而不晦的艺术效果,将文学的可感与思想性巧妙地结合起来,让读者去感受并发掘其内在的意义.
关键字:冰山原则; 读者; 海明威; 文学; 作者
In 1932,Hemingway's works in his death in the afternoon per,first put forward the famous idea of "principle of an iceberg.He compared the literary creation of an iceberg floating on the sea,that the only "ice" out of the water,the water through the text should be part of the tips let the reader to imagine.He said:"if a prose writer to write something for him,so he can heart are omitted.He knows the reader as long as the authors write?True,will strongly feel he had omitted,as part of the author has written.An iceberg on the sea was moving is magnificent,this is because it is only eighths surface." Hemingway this famous "ice" principle,is concise language shape with distinct characters,and the author own experiences and thoughts hiding in the maximum representation,achieve emotional filling but concealing,profoundly and implicit rather dark artistic effect,will KeGan literature and ideological combined skillfully,let the reader to experience and explore its inherent meaning.
Key words:the principle of an iceberg,Readers,Hemingway,Literature,author
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