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求一段英语口语翻译 不要有道谷歌翻译什么的 高手来 急!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 16:34:16
求一段英语口语翻译 不要有道谷歌翻译什么的 高手来 急!
今天我想说说一些出国旅游的感受,那是上一个暑假,我去了最奢华的城市迪拜,因为我的爸妈在那里做一些生意,那是我第一次坐飞机出国,之前我听过很多传闻说那个地方不安全而且很炎热,所以我的心情一直很紧张.经过了8个小时的飞行到达迪拜已经是晚上了,但是50多度的气温还是让我觉得非常非常热.在整个暑假我常常和爸妈去open beach游泳,所以当时晒得很黑.我也去过很著名的黄金街,那里一整条街全部都是各种各样的黄金首饰和珠宝,看起来非常的漂亮.还一起去了Burj al Arab进餐,在里面可以看到大半个迪拜的风景,里面的服务非常周到,只是价格让我很吃惊,一瓶2美元的水在这里却价值120美元.在迪拜我也看到了很多很美丽的建筑,学习到了很多,之后也参观了卧龙岗大学,j Khalifa Tower和龙城,迪拜的人民其实对中国人非常尊敬和友好,因为那里的中国人文化很高也很能吃苦,这次旅游让我对国外的生活非常向往,我希望可以通过学习好英语去接触外面的世界.
请采纳,我自己翻译的.Today I want to talk about some travel abroad experience, it is the last summer vacation, I went to the most expensive city in Dubai, because my parents there to do some business, it is the first time I take a plane to go abroad, I heard a lot of rumors that the place is not safe and is very hot, so I feel always very nervous. After a8 hour flight to Dubai was the night, but more than 50degrees or so I feel very very hot. In the whole summer vacation I often go swimming with my parents open beach, so was tanned. I have been to the famous Gold Souq, where a whole street is all kinds of gold jewelry and jewelry, looks very beautiful. Also went to the Burj al Arab table, in which you can see, more than half of the Dubai scenery, the service is very thoughtful, but the price really surprised me,2 dollars a bottle of water here is $120. In Dubai, I saw a lot of beautiful buildings, learned a lot, also visited the University of Wollongong, J Khalifa Tower and Nagpur, Dubai people for Chinese respect and friendship, because the Chinese culture is also very high can bear hardships, the tour let me to life abroad very much yearning, I hope that through learning English well to contact the outside world.