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现在分词作状语的用法she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the child

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 20:25:18

she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it,covering them with all the clothes she could find.

she turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it and covered them with all the clothes she could find.

turning a suitcase into a bed and putting the children inside it,she covered them with all the clothes she cold find.

第一句应该是新概念英语2 里面的句子.
He walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him.
He walked out of the room,slamming the door behind him.
再问: 像你给我句话当例子 他们两句话的意思都完全一样吗 作伴随状语只是单纯的书写方式而已是吗?
再答: 意思都是一样的。你记住:分词结构的使用主要是为了代替或减少从句的使用。 she turned a suitcase into a bed ,put the children inside it ,and covered them with all the clothes she could find. 这句最好是这样写。只用一个连词放到最后。
再问: 新概念里还有一句话是 Glancing at ther scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold. 因为我看了这句话我才按照他的这个方式改写了第3的句子, 但你说我改的那个句子不合逻辑。 我想问下什么情况下主语是要放在分词结构的后面呢? 由于我是自学英语的关系,最近刚接触这个知识点,有比较多的疑问,感谢你的回答!
再答: Glancing at her scornfully 表伴随,即这个动作是次要的。 一个主语要做两个动作,通常视情况将其中一个较次要的动作用分词表示伴随,它可以放在主句前面,也可以放在后面(一般根据强调需要而定,但没有严格规定的)。 如果两个动作明显是一个接一个发生的,且把先(或后)发生的动作看作是次要动作,那么它是自然放在主句前面(或后面)。 像这句He walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 他走出房间,随手砰地关上门。 这样的表达是自然形成的,如果把分词放在前面就会感觉怪怪的了。 之所以说第3个句子不合逻辑,因为原句的turn,put是作为主要动作,cover是最后随手而做的自然动作。 第三句并不是不可以这样表达,但如果这样,cover就不表伴随动作了。那么语意就有可能变了,如下: After he turned a suitcase into a bed and put the children inside it, she covered them with all the clothes she cold find. 时间状语从句 = After turning a suitcase into a bed and putting the children inside it,she covered them with all the clothes she cold find. 分词结构作时间状语,不表伴随。