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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 08:48:45
解释选项 what do you think the book deals with ? I do not know exactly .But i know it has nothing to do with language learning 为什么不用is done with , has some relationship Would you like to explain to us the cause of the fire 为什么不用tell us what I wanted the boy to save money but he would not listen 为什么不用suggested There coffee and tea .you can have either .Thanks 为什么不用it How about eight o' clock outside the cinema ? that suit s me fine 为什么不用meet ,fit ,satisfies the english plan in which my students acted at the New Year'party was a great success 为什么不用on which Sorry ,Joe I didn't mean to ~ . Don't call me Joe.I am Mr Parker to you ,and don't you forget it? 为什么不用do I hear they are not pleased with the house you're chosen for them . well ,where else could they live live in such comfort 为什么不用where
解题思路: 同义词 或词组辨析: 根据句意 判断选项
1.what do you think the book deals with ? I do not know exactly .But i know it has nothing to do with language learning
句意: 你认为这本书解决什么问题的? / 你认为这本书讲的是什么?--- 我不太清楚。 但我知道它跟语言学习没关系。
1.deal with 是及物动词,即可以直接跟宾语,根据句意可知“书解决问题”,而不是“书被解决”,所以不用is done with ,因为它表被动含义;
2. 根据句意可知,他不知道谈论什么,所以用has nothing to do (与。。。无关)表示 只知道 与。。。无关,但并不知道与。。。有关,孩子 你想啊,如果用了 has some relationship
那就证明 他知道“书是谈论什么了”对吗?
2.Would you like to explain to us the cause of the fire
如果用tell us what ,则句子要变为:
Would you like to tell us what the cause of the fire is
也就是说: 用what 后面要跟个宾语从句,如果是句子就要有系词 is了。
而上句中是词组 explain sth to sb.
sth. =the cause of the fire
3.I wanted the boy to save money but he would not listen
注意 suggested的用法:
suggest (to sb) + doing sth ,所以 若用suggest ,后面应为:
to the boy saving
4.There coffee and tea .you can have either .Thanks
注意: it 指的是同名同物,而且只是 一样东西,这里
coffee and tea 是两样东西,所以不能用 it. either 表“两者中的一样”。
5.How about eight o' clock outside the cinema ? that suit s me fine
sth +suit sb 某事适合某人
meet +one's need / demand 满足某人的需要 ,
fit 固定搭配: 衣服/ 鞋帽+ fit + sb 衣服/ 鞋帽合某人的身
satisfy +sb 使某人满意
satisfy +one's need / demand 满足某人的需要 ,
此句中 选satisfy 没什么语法错误,但句意不合适---“那让我满意/ 满足”。
6.the english plan in which my students acted at the New Year'party was a great success
用哪个介词 取决于定从中的 动词和先行词之间的搭配:
“在剧中演出”是 act in the play 所以用 in which
7。Sorry ,Joe I didn't mean to ~ . Don't call me Joe.I am Mr Parker to you ,and don't you forget it?
孩子 这道题有问题,你说的对: 如果是句中 是forget ,只能选 do. 先看句意:
句意:抱歉,joe.我没想那样。---别叫我joe.对你来说我是Mr Parker/ 你得叫我Mr Parker。难道你忘记了吗?/ .
and don't you remember it? 难道你不记得了吗?或
and do you forget it? 你忘了吗?
从上下文的语气来说 应该是and don't you remember it?
但若是:and don't you forget it? 难道你没忘记吗?
因此 你是对的!真棒!!
8.I hear they are not pleased with the house you're chosen for them . well ,where else could they live live in such comfort
若用where 则表示: 在任何地方都不能住这么舒适;但句意可知:在这里就可以住这么舒服。所以 where 没语法错误,但意思不对
孩子你的问题很经典 水平很高 我讲明白了吗 不清楚的再讨论啊